Faulty Wii? Hardware issues?

I got my Wii (finally) this past Wednesday. Everything seems fine so far(no frezzing,overheating...etc),my problem is with the Wii Remote. The pack-in batteries(maxell) only lasted about an hour. When I initially turned the system on I couldn't get the cursor to move on the screen,I tried everything. I finally got it to show up by holding the Wiimote on its left side...it to this day does not work any othe way and still not very well. I went to a local gas station and picked up 4 Energizer e2 batteries,these lasted me a total of about five hours(they only showed half charge when new). I then bought a new battery charger and 2 2100 mAh NimH rechargeables,charged them overnight,woke up,put them in the remote....no power at all. I am certain the remote is screwed but am waiting it out trying to find one locally and return the faulty unit. I just posted to see if anyone has any idea what is wrong with the thing? I searched google quite a bit but never found anyone in a similar situation though.
if you don't know yet, the highest NiMH rechargeable batteries i've found around is 2650mAh, made by Duracell. i bought a 4-packs the other day, and i already had a charger (old one i got with the 1800mAh batteries, but Duracell told me it still work, but the charging process will take longer since they have more mAh.)

no problem with my Wii yet, i organized a videogames party, it was yesterday (Saturday), and it was mostly a Wii party, i remember when we synched our Wiimotes, i got to be the 2nd player, but in Wii Sports, i was the 4th player, lol! (it wasn't my Wii by the way, a friend took his, because he have Bomberman and we tried it at 5-players :) )
Sweet. I had a halo party 2 weeks ago and we had 4 tv's, 4 xbox 360's, 3 copies of Halo 2, though we only had 10 people... As for rechargeable batteries, i have the 2500mah energizers, they last quite a while and charge really fast, and i have extras forwhen a set dies. I want a bumper sticker that says: "PS3 can suck my Wii", just a random thing to add...
My problem is weird, its something to do with the wii remotes and freezing.
For some reason, when i quit the Mii channel the screen turned black and acted like the Wii was off, so were the remotes. Im not sure if it is because i inserted the Wii play disk or what. Its happened about 10 times.
yeah when entering/leaving a channel, the screen was black longer than usual.

i think it had something to do with the download of the messages on your messages board or the Miis being received from other Wii users and loaded in the Mii channel
RaptorZX3 said:
yeah when entering/leaving a channel, the screen was black longer than usual.

i think it had something to do with the download of the messages on your messages board or the Miis being received from other Wii users and loaded in the Mii channel

Yeah...whenever my screen goes black longer than usual...a new msg pops up or a new mii for me :)
that's because the Mii channel need to display the new Mii(s) you received before you see the channel.
The only game I own is Twilight Princess, so it could be a malfunction with the game, but here it goes:

At random time, I won't be touching the control stick at all but my character will wander off in another direction. It's like on N64 and GameCube, where if you move the control stick while it's starting up the character will go in the way you tilted it, but I've consciously left it completely motionless and this problem will randomly occur, even after I've played for a while. I have two controllers, and this problem has occurred with both controllers.
I've had that every now and then, to solve it i just unplugged the nunchuck and then plugged it back in, only happens on LOZ though
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My problem is with the Wii controllers/Wiimotes speakers. You know how when you play Wii Sports and the Wiimote speaker makes a swish when you swing it whilst playing tennis well sometimes the sound is faint, crackly or there is no sound at all :mad2: . None of my fellow Wii owner have this problem and I know it isn't the batteries because I have changed them multiple time to try and fix the problem. If anybody has had this problem and fixed it could you please explain how? Thanks...
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note that the speaker in the Wiimote is really cheap, some peoples even think of opening their Wiimote and replace the speaker in it for a better one (with the help of a Triwing screwdriver)
Bought a Wii on Monday. It worked for two days. Then the Wii controller lost it's connection to the console when I plugged in the nunchuk and wouldn't sync back no matter what. Brought the Wii back to the store and demanded my money back. But then they talked me into taking a replacement console which they didn't have. So I gotta wait for who knows how long till they get more Wii's in stock. And there was me thinking it was only Xbox 360's that had issues. Maybe I should have taken my money back after all and splashed the cash on my trusty Xbox 360. :mad2:
Wiieasel said:
Bought a Wii on Monday. It worked for two days. Then the Wii controller lost it's connection to the console when I plugged in the nunchuk and wouldn't sync back no matter what. Brought the Wii back to the store and demanded my money back. But then they talked me into taking a replacement console which they didn't have. So I gotta wait for who knows how long till they get more Wii's in stock. And there was me thinking it was only Xbox 360's that had issues. Maybe I should have taken my money back after all and splashed the cash on my trusty Xbox 360. :mad2:

That's really really unlucky mate really bad luck. I wouldn't be so hasty with the 360 thing, just wait until stock rolls in and the wait will be worthwhile.

As for the speaker thing sure its not the best quality in the world but I wouldn't say its THAT bad. I find it fine for games like Zelda and Wii Sports. As for that guy with the bad problems with the speaker, how far away from the TV are you? I think distance has an impact on the quality....
wishbone_17 said:
I took my Wii to my parents' house and it has cut off randomly 3 times. It doesn't go into standby, it goes completely dark. I will unplug it and plug it in and no luck. Is anyone else having this issue? Is it a power issue? Faulty Wii? Any help would be appreciated.

That's interesting, the same thing happened to my sister's Wii, I think she unplugged everything then reconnected it all and it seems to work fine now.
Nicktendo86 said:
That's really really unlucky mate really bad luck. I wouldn't be so hasty with the 360 thing, just wait until stock rolls in and the wait will be worthwhile.

I guess patience is a virtue, or so they say. And anyway, I don't think I want to give up on Nintendo just yet. I've had all their past consoles without any problems. So I'll give the Wii another chance. And another chance after that if need be. No more chances after that though, at least I think not. :frown2:

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