WiiChat Member
I got my Wii (finally) this past Wednesday. Everything seems fine so far(no frezzing,overheating...etc),my problem is with the Wii Remote. The pack-in batteries(maxell) only lasted about an hour. When I initially turned the system on I couldn't get the cursor to move on the screen,I tried everything. I finally got it to show up by holding the Wiimote on its left side...it to this day does not work any othe way and still not very well. I went to a local gas station and picked up 4 Energizer e2 batteries,these lasted me a total of about five hours(they only showed half charge when new). I then bought a new battery charger and 2 2100 mAh NimH rechargeables,charged them overnight,woke up,put them in the remote....no power at all. I am certain the remote is screwed but am waiting it out trying to find one locally and return the faulty unit. I just posted to see if anyone has any idea what is wrong with the thing? I searched google quite a bit but never found anyone in a similar situation though.