Corrupt a wish

untill the animals become rabid and stop listing to you.....

I wish I could have a never ending pack of tim tams....
You get a life supply of Tim Tams but when you are arrested FBI for False Indentity!

I wish for the packers to make the playoffs
The packers make the playoffs. Heck, they even make it to the Super Bowl. They do plenty of crazy moves you wouldn't think possible; 70 yard passes, 85 yard field goals, full-field sprints in 17 seconds. They win the Super Bowl 56-3. It's a miracle. But...soon after (like five minutes) their victory party, they are arrested for steroids and paying the refs and are banned from the NFL forever.

I wish the Seahawks won the Super Bowl last year because the refs weren't retarded.
The Steelers are striped of their super bowl and it is given to the Seahawks. Soon after the Steelers are awarded the Super Bowl back for false information provided by the Seahawks.

I wish to travel the world.
You see Paris, Rome, and every city in that song, "I been everywhere" ore whatever it's called. You are a local hero for your first few trips...Everybody loves you. But then you go to Africa and get a terminal illness. You fly back to your house to spend your final days with your family, but on the plane home, Iraqis hi-jack the plane, put you on the phone so people think you did it, and crash into the White House. You social status went through the roof once people found out you killed Bush...But then they realize it wasn't you and everybody hates you.

I wish the Bushes were never Presidents. Any of them.
This thread was already made >.>....but, it's pretty fun, then you get really sick of it. :sick:

You aren't bored anymore...beacause terrorists attack your house by blowing up your whole city.

I wish that everyone loved the Wii. :)
A) Post your wish in the same post
B) Go away
C) Barney dies, but he haunts you in you're sleep and follows you everywhere.
D) I wish I didn't have any chores.