Connection Help

bobby1211 said:
As of now you can not run your internet connection to your wii through the USB without the Nintendo USB Ethernet adaptor.

You need a wireless router, a Nintendo wireless adaptor for your computer or as stated Nintendo USB Ethernet adaptor.

so ur telling me i have to buy the stuff if i have a wird connection i do have a wireless but its pretty week it goes like 56k so if i put on my wireless modem would it work or not please help
If you have a wireless router then you should be able to connect wirelessly without any extra equipment. Even if you only get 56k down on the wireless, you should still be able to get the updates/VC games just will take some time.

bobby1211 said:
If you have a wireless router then you should be able to connect wirelessly without any extra equipment. Even if you only get 56k down on the wireless, you should still be able to get the updates/VC games just will take some time.

do u mean wirless router as in wireless modem or are they too dirfernt things
A router and a modem are two different things. They make modem/router combonations. A device that you plug in to accept a DSL/Cable connection is called a Modem. Any device that routes connections to multiple devices is called a router. If you have one device that accepts your connection AND broadcasts it wirelessly, you have a wireless modem/router.

bobby1211 said:
A router and a modem are two different things. They make modem/router combonations. A device that you plug in to accept a DSL/Cable connection is called a Modem. Any device that routes connections to multiple devices is called a router. If you have one device that accepts your connection AND broadcasts it wirelessly, you have a wireless modem/router.

lol ur still confusing me do i have to buy this router or do i have it sorry for this trouble say....? do u have msn it sounds like u no alot of things with this wii if u have give ur addy lol ill be needing ur help
Internet connection Error

Hi i managed to set up the Wii to connect to my

Linksys Router, it went through and installed the updates and passed connection test etc


when i try to connect to the user agreement it says

Error 220602

anyone Help please ?? I've read loads of posts and tried everythin just doesnt seem to wanna work ;'(
metz_2k7 said:
lol ur still confusing me do i have to buy this router or do i have it sorry for this trouble say....? do u have msn it sounds like u no alot of things with this wii if u have give ur addy lol ill be needing ur help

If you have a wireless router, then you do not need to buy anything else. If you can connect any of your computers to the internet wirelessly you should be able to hook up your Wii wirelessly.

If you need help, Search for your issue here first, if you cant find an answer please post like you did here. Feel free to PM me through the forum here, Ill be more then happy to help you the best I can.

Ive Gotten Loads Of Error Codes

i Was ecstatic when i got my wii on launch day in england and i couldnt wait to get it online so i bought the ds wifi usb thingy. when i first tried to get the connection sorted i kept getting the error code 52140 i tried and tried but nothing changed ,so i got the latest versin of the usb wifi program. After i did this the wii started to be recognised on the wifi control panel screen and when i would test for a connection then the wii would connect to full strength but then just fade out and id get new error codes on my wii screen52040,then back to 51240. then my wii stayed connected to the usb wifi but the wii screen said error 51340 check internet settings.ON WHAT ? wii or Computer. after trying the conection test again i got error code 52140 and now i just keep getting 51240 again. Can Somebody Please Help:mad2:
hey, the problem i am having is that the router is in my basement, and it cant reach from upstairs. If i bought a wifi adapter and used it in the computer next to it, will it work.

ps: the Computer has wireless internet too.
im having problems connecting to the wii shop channell and connect24. But i also have a wireless router and a another computer ocnnecting to that so does any1 think its cuz of that?? ive read on that its cuz of the other computer.. so can any1 help me?
Gandalf said:
I am attempting to establish a WiFi USB connection for AOL 9.0 Broadband and everything is fine up to the connection test where I get ec 52140

im getting the exact same problem, and im on aol 9.0 broadband as well:mad5:
Hiya all

I just got the Nintendo Wifi USB Connector but after installing the software, my PC detects the name of the Wii. However when I do a connection check on my Wii, I get a 52140 error - Nintendo site says something else may be using the same IP address as the Wii console so I must 'manually' enter my primary and secondary DNS numbers. Thats fine but when I do THAT, I get a 51030 error - no access point found!

And the suggestion for that is to check the SSID number entered. Except I have not entered any because Im using the Nintendi WIFI USB Entry Port! So how do I get it to find this access port? BTW my wii is literally less than a metre from my PC when Im doing this too! Not a problem of distance...

plz plz plz someone im usin my nintendo wi-fi connector and i keep gettin error 52140 HELP ME:mad5:

p.s. how do i change my dns numbers:crazy:
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You change your DNS numbers by doing a 'manual' configuration when it asks you for three options - wireless router, usb or MANUAL. But as you can see with my problem, even after I put it in manuallt, it THEn tells me there is noa ccess point?

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