Connection Help

Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Adaptor Users

For those of you who, like me, are using the Nintendo USB Adaptor, do as one guy mentioned previously and install the update driver, it works :D.

Nintendo Wi-Fi Update
One Error down, but you guessed it, another one comes along!

Ozweego said:
I officially HATE Wii Online.
I have no idea why it won't work for me. I read every post here and tried all the options without a stitch of luck, what the hell is wrong with this little white Turd!!!
I have a Microsoft MN-700 wireless router which according to Nintendo is "Recommended", I have added the Wii's MAC address, manually tried inputting everything, tried the Auto detect, tried it all.
The damn Wii picks up on my signal but won't connect to it. The error code is 13110 or somthing like that, I've seen it here a thousand times, so I think everyone knows what I am talking about.

If there is someone out there that can FIX this problem with ease, please take a minute and relieve me of my misery. I would really appreciate it.


Drowning in My own Tears! :-(

Ok, so I solved this problem. All i did was restore my router to factory defaults and made sure that my "wireless mode" was set to mixed b/g compatiable. I think as long as it says mixed, your ok. After that I did the auto detect on my Wii and way to go, I'm connected. Started the update and then, BLAM!!! Another error, i think it was a 32002 error. I am working on it now and will post when I solve it. Hope this helps any others out there cursing Wii online like I am doing.

Good luck,
No longer drowning, but my boat has a leak!
Finally Online without a Hitch!

Ozweego said:
Ok, so I solved this problem. All i did was restore my router to factory defaults and made sure that my "wireless mode" was set to mixed b/g compatiable. I think as long as it says mixed, your ok. After that I did the auto detect on my Wii and way to go, I'm connected. Started the update and then, BLAM!!! Another error, i think it was a 32002 error. I am working on it now and will post when I solve it. Hope this helps any others out there cursing Wii online like I am doing.

Good luck,
No longer drowning, but my boat has a leak!

OK, here we go, after you do everything above, go a change your router channel to 1. This should help everything along the way, at least it did for me. So now, I'm online, only to discover Wii Sports does not have an Online Multiplayer option, what a JOKE! Oh well, after some searching, it may be an option that becomes available later. Well hopes these posts help some people out of their connection woes.
Good luck yall.
ok i have error 52230 and i have a linksys wrt54g and i cant get it to connect
ive heard to set the ip myself but i dont know where to find those three settings ip address subnet mask and default router. can someone PLEASE HELP ME
ericlewis91 said:
i got code 32002?

Not sure if that is the exact same code I got, did it come up when you was trying to run a check for updates, right after checking net connection and it said it was succesful? If so and your using the Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Adaptor follow my previous post.

KaDee said:
For those of you who, like me, are using the Nintendo USB Adaptor, do as one guy mentioned previously and install the update driver, it works :D.

Nintendo Wi-Fi Update
Error code 52140

I am attempting to establish a WiFi USB connection for AOL 9.0 Broadband and everything is fine up to the connection test where I get ec 52140 I got my Wii on launch day and applied the first update without a problem. Then there was an update for the Virtual Console (Wii Shop Channel) and I cannot download it. I called Nintendo and got a replacement system but am still having the same issue. I connect to my access point at 100%, wireless g @54mbps. I have updated firmware, changed the channel from 6 to 1 to 11 and back to 6. Changed the MTU value, placed the Wii into DMZ so that it is not behind the firewall, reset my router to default settings, disabled the firewall and it sill will not download the update. I even unsecured my network and used both WEP and WPA. I have spoken to 4 nintendo reps/technicians about the problem, and nothing has worked. I'm a network technician myself, so none of this stuff is new to me, but I cannot download this update. Again, it connects to the internet fine, but then the update shows no progress and gives me error code 32004 after 5-10 minutes. They keep telling me that its a connection issue or something is interfering. I log into my router and can see the Wii connected at 100%. I use the dlink dgl-4300 gaming router. Anyone use this router with their wii? I NEED HELP! :crazy:
Im also getting Error 52140 when doing the connection test.

I have no firewall enabled.

I have AOL9.0 set to connect using the a setup network conneciton with internet connection sharing.

I tried changing the connection "Named Xbox (For my old 360)" and stopped it using internet connection sharing.

The code error changed to 52040
Last edited:
ok now im getting a 51330 error code can anyone help me with it i dont know what to do ive updated my wii and my routers firmwares and im running wireless G if anyone can help PLEASE PM ME thanks

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