Aussie Wifi Night - Wii

Oceanic said:
If I knew what Telcel was I could answer, I presuppose it is an internet/telephone provider? If my presupposition was correct, then yes, Optus would be like Telcel.
well, those guys and also you just told me what it meant, so with my knowledge, I, was able to recognize the meaning of it by comparing it to, yes, it is the same thing
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  • #182
nkbswe5, its only the MSC FC (btw I found you Wii Friend Code, add me :D) so no need for Wii FC, as for the date none is set as of yet
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Yes, they are FC, not wii console codes! So you can reject us all nkbswe5 =P
I guess the tourney will be when there's enough people to have one!
Diomedes said:

OK i'll see if I can afford the game this friday after the GAT. My sister gave me $40 for it so I pressume I should be able to...

I'll add you today my leige Diety, in a couple of hours (doing practice exam)
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  • #186
I shall add you in about 2 hours when I'm taking a break form revision.
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  • #188
I'm the same as you Tim I don't study and still get 80% but I like 100% more then 80% so yeah.
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  • #192
Tim the Elite said:
That's what I like about you Tim you skip all the bull and flat out say what you've gotta say :thumbsup:...although you'll probabbly get banned eventually for it :lol:

I have to do my umpteenth essay on Shakespeare, SO boring!!

And a coupla hours revising my art history, cause i never payed attention in class

(trust me, there was a reason why i didnt)

I T W A S S O B O R I N G ! !
Clearly you are, you keep DOUBLE POSTING! STOP! Or I will report you. Really. I am cruel. BWAHAHA!
Use the edit button

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