Camping at Gamestop for Brawl

what I meant was that I would wait at the door for twenty minutes or so because I want to go in and get my reserved copy and hi-tail home on my bicycle and play it all night.
I dont think i need to camp when it comes out in the UK, Liverpool has around 5 game or gamestation stores and when im usually in there im fighting past little kids looking at ninjabread man
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D1nner said:
True fan right there :lol:

My schedule's gonna be about the same but I don't leave for EBgames till Saturday afternoon:sick:
Thanks :)

AoWFraggit said:

why bother camping when you've already got one reserved?

we've waited for over a year already, and i really don't see what the big fuss is over getting the games a few hours earlier...
I like the experience.

idjut said:
it all for the experience; it's more fun to sing kumbaya around a campfire than at home... :yesnod:
Bingo :D

zapasant93 said:
pfft, screw camping out, im just going in the morning, i have it preordered, no need to camp out
With that attitude you don't even deserve one :p

Lugia said:
much like vigilante i just want to goto my EB 5 mins before midnight to get the game. fraggit i remember someone saying a store had over reservered (210+ people) so if you didnt wait @ midnight youd probably have to wait more.
Something like that.

I probably won't camp out, because I already have it reserved and I'll just get it Sunday afternoon. And play it all day and night, might call in for work.:sick:
Good scheming.

CocoSSBB said:
Here's my schedule:
7 PM: Reserve SSBB
1 PM: Get SSBB after all the campers are gone
Casual :lol:

Nwe1024 said:
On Saturday I'm going to leave at 6 get a bite to eat and buy
Casual :lol:

Red Titan said:
I pre-orderd mine. Going to church then pickn it up after....then putting it in the toaster and eat it.
Casual :lol:
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Gir100193 said:
omg that sounds like my Gamestop In clearwater!!

Mario13 said:
I dont think i need to camp when it comes out in the UK, Liverpool has around 5 game or gamestation stores and when im usually in there im fighting past little kids looking at ninjabread man
Lucky you.

AoWFraggit said:
i've had: it reserved since the beginning of december.

i'll be picking it up around 1 on sunday.
Casu-lol. :lol:

Luigi! said:
Im just gonna go to best buy before it opens and get it
Casu-lol. :lol:
idjut said:
don't forget your bike helmet and elbow pads! :)

I don't wear elbow pads. I've fallen so many times that I am kinda used to it, though i will keep some band-aids in my bag while i ride there
CocoSSBB said:
Belarr said:
Casual :lol:

No, I just don't feel like getting shot by some maniac who really likes SSBB.:yikes:

Exactly, when the PS3 came out a man was robbed at gunpoint of his PS3 at our local
AoWFraggit said:
i've had it reserved since the beginning of december.

i'll be picking it up around 1 on sunday.

What if they run out? You have to imagine that they could possibly take more preorders than they get games. They do, after all, take preorders WAY before they know how many copies they'll actually be receiving.

Anyway, here's what I'm going to do:

I've already got mine preordered at Gamestop. But rather than going there and waiting in line forever and maybe not even getting the game, I'll to the giant Wal-Mart instead and try to buy one there. I figure my chances are much greater there, as they'll probably get way more copies of the game than Gamestop. Then, if I buy one there, I'll just get a refund on my deposit at GS. That's what I did with Strikers.

One more question to the campers: How do you go get food and such if you're camping in line? Won't you lose your place? If you can get out of line, why not just get your place in line, go home, and get back in line 5 minutes to midnight?

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