Aussie Wifi Night - Wii

deity_link said:
And have your name put up in Multi coloured goodness :D
On the tournamnet table thing I decided on the colours it should be, I've chosen the blues of the WiFi label and white text, I'll finish it tongiht and post it tommorow
Sounds fantastically AWESOME!!!!!!!
I love the multicolouredness of my name with my FC, quite snazzy!
Cant wait to see this wifi table, keep up the good work DL! I would rep but i have to "spread some more around" first:sick:
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Yeah don't go repping randoms cause I can't rep anyone for 24 hours I've repped too much :lol:
We all like to say rep, don't we? Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep!

So anyways my FC's still don't work, I'm gonna try ANOTHER MII bloody hell. And then give maybe one or 2 of you the FC, if that's ok with you?

P.S Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep! Rep!

And Awesomness all round on the colours.
Fine by me gpoleweski. I hope you get this mess sorted, if it still doesn't work, I think you're gonna have to call Ninty and ***** to them about it.
Yes, wel, I'm just gonna go for a casual walk atm and then I'll give you the FC. And I'm practicing my bitchyness for when I call them. Also, do you think that they would be there today or most likely not? One way to find out I guess.
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Telephone/Internet service provider

Anyhoo I didn't finish the tournament roster thingy too tired :sleep:
Optus is a telephone provider in Australia, as well as internet etc.
What is "going on here" is we are organising a wifi night for MSC for aussies only.
ohhh so Optus would be like Telcel in México.......oh I don't live in Australia, sorry mates!
If I knew what Telcel was I could answer, I presuppose it is an internet/telephone provider? If my presupposition was correct, then yes, Optus would be like Telcel.
Hey, is these codes Friend Codes only? I dont wanna add you all to m Wii friend list ;-_-

I'm buying the game soon, when is the tourney? I see no date!

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