Aussie Wifi Night - Wii

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  • #211
what's exremeness?? :lol:
Ok I just looked at the front page there are ten people altogether (5 are in and 5 are interested) so if myself, nkbswe5, reefer, eagle and Sam (where is sam anyway?) all get it this tournamnet should turn out pretty good :D
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  • #213
Ahhhh I see I'll shall indeed ask him about it. (Woo Oceanic 500 posts)
I'd be in it if I had the game, which I will have if I can find it at JB somewhere in the city. On Friday. If I dont spend all my money on manga. Or Krispy Kreme. Or Invader Zim.

Otherwise, I'll be tournamenting away! -ZOOM-
Well will be getting MSC on Saturday because thats the earliest I can get to the shops :incazzato: ! It also gives time for you guys to get some extra practice :lol: . Anyway when is the night anyway, I could try and get it earlier if its before or on Saturday........

Also would really like one of these imaginary head-sets, would enjoy having some in game chat.
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  • #218
Hmmmmmm... I'm tossing between a few ideas now on how to actaully play this WiFi night out hmmmm... I might aswell tell you the ideas that I have:

1. The tournamnet thing that I mentioned in the first post where you play off against someone and if you lose you get eliminated.

2. Everyone plays against everyone else once and whoever gets the highest amount of victories wins

3. Play it out like a season (not a very long season mind you) and have a few matches every weekend and after the final round 1st vs 2nd, 3rd vs 4th etc.

Ok out of all those ideas I like 3 the best it sounds pretty cool but might be a bit too complex to organize, so atm I'm leaning towards idea 1 cause it was my first idea and is pretty simple but 2 is probabbly the simplest. So what do you guys think tell me which you like best??
I like 3 also, and we should to WiiMSC Tipping, where we guess who wins. And so we can have a prize for best tipper
Number 1 does sound like the easiest, but you could have it set out like the campaign mode in the game! Everyone plays everyone else twice, and then from then, the top two who have the most wins battle it out for first and second, then third and fourth battle it out for third and fourth spots, just another idea to add into the mix!
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  • #221
nkbswe5 said:
I like 3 also, and we should to WiiMSC Tipping, where we guess who wins. And so we can have a prize for best tipper
:D :lol:I'm laughing but at the same time think that's a pretty decent idea hmmm... Ok lets turn this into a poll your next post must include your vote for which idea you want to use got it good?? stop reading and vote :D
hey guys im in, need more practice first tho and plus im a kiwi so the whole time zone thing, and no i cant start a NZ MSC torney cuz im currently the only one in NZ with the game lol
I say YES to Almo! We should accept our NZ brothers into our tourny, it's only a bit of water separating us! But the final decision rests with DL!
I say YES to Almo also. He is a NZ and has more rep than us all so he must be cool. And he was on the photo board with me and the Easter Bunny.

And we must do MSCTipping! Just for randomness. Everyone will tip against me and I can lose and everyone can celebrate.
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  • #225
Yeah Almo your welcome to enter, heck Smash_Bro was welcome to the DS WiFi night and he's a kiwi. I'll go add you now :D

I'm still waiting for people to tell me which way we should go with the WiFi night, which way shall we go idea 1, 2, 3 or 4 (Oceanic's idea)????
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