Aussie Wifi Night - Wii

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  • #153
Tim the Elite said:
p.s to everyone dont get offended if i swear at u i swear in almost all my sentences
you should've put some swearing in this for a comedic edge :lol: and I've noticed that you like to swear. I don't swear much there are better ways to insult people :D

Anyhooo I'm gonna start on some sort of table/ladder/tournamnet thingy now so keep posting so I'll get so annoyed by the constant emails saying I have an update that'll I'll start swearing and give up on the table/ladder tournamnet thingy...or I could just sign out of MSN.....yeah I'll do that
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  • #155

Anyhoo I'll put up something I made a while ago for the first second and third medal sort of thing but it won't fit in sigs as they're a bit big...I'll work out something. Anyhoo here they are:
1st Place

2nd Place

3rd Place
Nice medals DL! Maybe incorporate 'wiichat' into them somehow, just so to not confuse them with another certain australian nintendo forum which will remain nameless.
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  • #159
Yes like I said they're a bit big so I'll find a way to incorprate them into a sig of some sorts

(woo post 1,500:D)
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  • #162
Yeah as you can see by people constantly posting I've completely stopped doing (well not completely its running in the background, but minimized) the tournamnet table/leader board thing so I'll get back to that now......and then some mroe revision :(
Back from my trip today :)! Hopefully will be getting MSC within the next couple of days so I can confirm my position in the wi-fi night!
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  • #165
And have your name put up in Multi coloured goodness :D
On the tournamnet table thing I decided on the colours it should be, I've chosen the blues of the WiFi label and white text, I'll finish it tongiht and post it tommorow

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