Aussie Wifi Night - Wii

I added everyones friend code except of course gpoleweski because it said invalid friend code. Hey gpoleweski why dont u renew the IP address on your router and then in your Wii Settings make a Connection 2 with the new IP, that might make it work for you. So anyway people go on and verse me or add my friend code which is 133245 784656. Then just reply in this thread with your friend code because Im always in this thread. So yeah.
That would be a good idea, but our router isn't what it's connecting through, we have the WiFi USB connector which just connects to the internet without the router. My bro (tecnology nerd) said that he will have a look at it tomorrow.
then get the nintendo wifi cd and reinstall the wifi connector software, then delete the settings in your wii and set them up again causing your friend code to change.

worth a try
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Tim the Elite said:
smash bros.... is that gonna be online?

ps ive never played any smash bros game in my life
First off never played a smash bros game eh??.....well all you need to know is that its good. Also Joker it has been confirmed that it will have online. I'm actaully dreading that slightly, I fear that wiichat will be overun by people asking for FC :yikes:
deity_link said:
First off never played a smash bros game eh??.....well all you need to know is that its good. Also Joker it has been confirmed that it will have online. I'm actaully dreading that slightly, I fear that wiichat will be overun by people asking for FC :yikes:

lol well it cant be that good if tte hasnt played it

although i have heard about it and hows its so great

i did play it one time... the n64 version

it sucked donkey dick
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:nonod: I can't agree with you there Tim if you've only played it once you won't see why its so good. Go and play it (I know you have 'connections' so you'll be able to get it) and then play it again. Smash Bros is awesome, period

Now for something on topic, I haven't got MSC yet it'll distract me from my exam revision, so I'm gonna wait a while (iow next friday) before I get it
well i could just get the gamecube one right this second from my "connections" lol but i just couldnt be f*cked ill just wait for the wii version to come out because u f*ckers will all be playing it neway so ill probly join in
Why do you need to swear so much? Also, DL, I have heard the talk of it most likely being online, but I haven't seen an actual source that has confirmed that.

P.S Yes I live under a rock, but it's the best kind of rock.
i like swearing

and did u do that **** i told u about getting ur wifi to work?

p.s to everyone dont get offended if i swear at u i swear in almost all my sentences
my WIFI works YAY

sorry im too busy playing my gamecube games and repping u for random stuff than getting enough money from my poor job in order to get strikers so i can play awesomeness with you guys but of course i have funny exams coming up the next coupla weeks which ill need to study for oh and gamecube games rock on the wii.

i know that was a long sentence, but long sentences are fun to read!!
Huzzah for your WIFI working Diomedes! I will be sending you a PM with my Wii console number! I have 3 more exams too! The last one being on the 21 June, and then i get 1 months holiday!!!!!! Wooooooooo! But until then, study study study.
YAY, i have LOTS of wii friends now!!

Yeah, im only allowing myself to play p.n.03 during my study times.

Its a good game

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