Aussie Wifi Night - Wii

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I will not shut up Joker you have to admit it was pretty random to post that you'll brb
gpoleweski said:
Ok, it was but it wasn't that random, it still had something to do with something.....Anyways, I checekd my FC and it's right also, is your name Mannass...Or something, Also I got you Stuzz.
Yeah my names maanas! cool. I thought it didnt work.... I randomly got disconnected twice today, after a match it would say 'error transmitting data' and then half of the times i would get a loss under my name instead of 2 wins :(
What kind of connection do you have m7ticalm? I was surprised at how good my connection was, considering I'm only on 256/64.

BTW.. you need to update you sig ;)
i got a 1500kb/s. I was pretty pissed. I vsed some ranked 8 guy called steve or sometin, he won 3-2 first match, then it was 2-2 in second match and i got disconnected :( then when i clicked on wifi on smc menu, it said "no connection, try checking your connection" or something like that. Hey il get on now, so we can race.

And yeah, ill change my sig now :)
Well well well, Oceanic now has MSC wooooooooo!!!! JB HIFI for $69!!!

Here's my FC 167605 576299

I have added Stuzz78 and m7ticalm.

Same thing happened with gpoleweski FC it says it's incorrect for MSC?
gpoleweski said:
Well, it's right. But just to make sure. It's the number at the top of the screen when you o into the wifi section and it says up the top...'You FC is.....' Is that right?
Yep, that's correct, I wonder why it doesn't recognise your number when I type it in, time for a call to NOAUS!
gpoleweski said:
But howcome when m7ticalm added me, I got his name coming up? That must mean that it worked.

Yeah, i cant see your name on my list..... And ive got stuzz, but it just says connecting next to him. Ill add everyone else now....
gpoleweski said:
Do you have to make a name, if so how? Or does it just use the name of the mii?

Also, I added you Oceanic.
It uses the name of the Mii. I have two FC now, because a mate and I played the two vs two option. I didn't want to have those matches affect my personal ones, so with every mii you register you get another FC.

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