ask a cop

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  • #31
Demon Slayer said:
Ok i have a Canadien and well im planing on moving to America to become a police officer...i was wondering if that is actually possible..and if so, How do i become one?

my bf was born in the philipines but came to the US when he was a few months old (hes in his 30s now) never had a problem with government paperwork or anything along those lines

im not sure how many years if any you need for american citizenship to come into play. thats something i honestly dont know.

it is, like i made in contrast to my bfs case, possible to become one so theres never that worry :) best of luck!
do diffrent townships have diffrent fines for speeding? i ask this because i just got my first 2 tickets withen 2 weeks of eachother (in fact, i got my 2nd one the day i mailed my 1st one off :( still need to pay that off too). the first one was for $104 for going 25 over (thought the speed limit was something it wasnt lol) and the second one was in a diffrent township for going 10 over and was the same price! the ticket didnt say anything about pricing like the first ticket did so i cant tell. however i think its because i got an asshole cop. when he found out i just had a ticket he said "hmf, figures that an 18 year old kid wouldnt ever learn their lesson." and then he saw my Bible next to me and said "I thought christians were supposed to be the good ones" and then laughed. he was a total dick. the first guy was cool. he was like "im sorry to have to give you your first ticket but i wont put any points on your liscense and ill give you the maximum ammount of time to pay it off." lol my question turned into a little rant

also, do cops have to pay for the gas in their cop cars?
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  • #34
TheHotChick said:
I've considered doing the whole female officer thing...
what are the pros/cons of being a cop?

im telling you now, double standards DO exist. i dont get it that hard because most the people i work with know my deal. they know "im not some chick trying to be a guy in a mans world" im doing it because its something i wanted to do so they actually have respect towards me. SHOCKING! lol

i honstly cant give you pros and cons because everyone is different. one might hate overtime where as i love it and cant get enough of it (due to sh*tty NYC pay), some hate walking patrol and i hate that too BUT you do come across those that love it. i hate when im in my squad car and the AC doesnt work, i love it when its winter and i have the best heat. its all about personally prefence.

you gotta be sure you want the job because most of the time, its NOTHING like you think its going to be :)

best of luck!
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  • #36
Mitch2025 said:
do diffrent townships have diffrent fines for speeding? i ask this because i just got my first 2 tickets withen 2 weeks of eachother (in fact, i got my 2nd one the day i mailed my 1st one off :( still need to pay that off too). the first one was for $104 for going 25 over (thought the speed limit was something it wasnt lol) and the second one was in a diffrent township for going 10 over and was the same price! the ticket didnt say anything about pricing like the first ticket did so i cant tell. however i think its because i got an asshole cop. when he found out i just had a ticket he said "hmf, figures that an 18 year old kid wouldnt ever learn their lesson." and then he saw my Bible next to me and said "I thought christians were supposed to be the good ones" and then laughed. he was a total dick. the first guy was cool. he was like "im sorry to have to give you your first ticket but i wont put any points on your liscense and ill give you the maximum ammount of time to pay it off." lol my question turned into a little rant

TRUST me what you wrote, is NOT a rant lol. a real rant involves a lot more cursing mr mod hahaha.:devil:

alright im going to disect this statement piece by piece here and see if i can help ya.

]do diffrent townships have diffrent fines for speeding?

no they dont and yet they do. touchy situation with that because in NY we have different police departments. theres NYPD, SCPD, NCPD, sag harbor police department (which is a private community on long island) NYSP, park police ECT. each can give different ammounts and different variations of their laws. usually its not that big of a difference.

i ask this because i just got my first 2 tickets withen 2 weeks of eachother (in fact, i got my 2nd one the day i mailed my 1st one off :( still need to pay that off too). the first one was for $104 for going 25 over (thought the speed limit was something it wasnt lol) and the second one was in a diffrent township for going 10 over and was the same price! the ticket didnt say anything about pricing like the first ticket did so i cant tell. however i think its because i got an asshole cop.

no ticket will say pricing, if you want to know about how it works, best is to go to your departments main headquaters and pay i believe $10 (atleast here it is) to see the police report. they can usually show you the fine and why you were pulled over besides that little slip you get that you can NEVER read because the hand writting is always illegible :ee5k:

it also depends on the neighborhood if its residential or business. if its where children play or a deaf area or anything along those lines the fine will probably be more. sometimes you can appear in court to challenge the ticket. out here, cops dont normally go to basic speeding violations so the case is thrown out. but you got the assh*le so youre luck, hell be there with bells on lol. OY!:prrr:

when he found out i just had a ticket he said "hmf, figures that an 18 year old kid wouldnt ever learn their lesson." and then he saw my Bible next to me and said "I thought christians were supposed to be the good ones" and then laughed. he was a total dick. the first guy was cool. he was like "im sorry to have to give you your first ticket but i wont put any points on your liscense and ill give you the maximum ammount of time to pay it off."

sigh, keep in mind we cops say whats on our minds. it happens its kind of a fruedian slip. sometimes people get the sense of humor and some get offended. ive had to bite my tounge on many occassions because i dont want to offend people but usually they offend me first so then i whip out the sense of "humor"

if you really wanted ot be an ass, you can ask to speak to his commanding officer and file a complaint. itll deff put a damper on the cops day thats for sure but thats in EXTREAME cases (like if hes really busting you hard)

and atleast the 1st cop was nice enough to just give you "some time to bide" before paying that ticket. deff cool atleast. well not cool that you got the ticket but he was cool about giving it to you. sometimes thats hard to find
Have you ever pulled over a speeding car, only to find out that its a fellow officer breaking the law?
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  • #38
Redan499 said:
Have you ever pulled over a speeding car, only to find out that its a fellow officer breaking the law?

"cops dont write other cops tickets":rolleyes:

its another double standard..............:scared:
I came back(and no I didn't fail 4th grade)!!!! I have a question....two.....three.
1) Which would you say is the worst drug/substance ever?(I asked in 4th grade and never got an answer :(
2)Since you were so close and all what was 9/11 from a close perspective?
3)What is THE WORST criminal offense ever?
oh another one 4)What was the worst offense ever committed(EVER).
Ya I don't mind if you can't answer all of these(kinda vague) but I wanted to know these things so I thought I'd ask away anyway.
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  • #40
Monsteroids said:
I came back(and no I didn't fail 4th grade)!!!! I have a question....two.....three.
1) Which would you say is the worst drug/substance ever?(I asked in 4th grade and never got an answer :(
2)Since you were so close and all what was 9/11 from a close perspective?
3)What is THE WORST criminal offense ever?
oh another one 4)What was the worst offense ever committed(EVER).
Ya I don't mind if you can't answer all of these(kinda vague) but I wanted to know these things so I thought I'd ask away anyway.

welcome back :) and when i said the 4th grade thing, it was a flashback to when in general it was career day at school and all the kids had to say what they wanted to be when they grew up :lol: thats why i said that it "brings back those memories" or wtvr i said haha.

1) Which would you say is the worst drug/substance ever?(I asked in 4th grade and never got an answer :(

heroine.......ive seen nasty fatalities on it. one may argue on another drug but to me, an overdose on that is quite disgusting....:( esp when you look at their never forget the image...

2)Since you were so close and all what was 9/11 from a close perspective?

9/11 was the scarest moment of everyones life. i was in school when it happend. my brother was working in the second tower and virtually everyone i knew from all forms of law enforcement, EMS, fire response were there. ill never forget my heart just dropping from that point on. lucky for me those i knew personally were brother i reached right before all the cellphone towers went out and when i heard him say "hi" in that depressed tone and the phoens went dead (at around 11.32 in the AM) thats all i needed to know that he was ok......

after that i was there helping just trying to rescue what i can and go through what was there. it was heartbreaking, it was hard, it was messy, it was scarey it was the worst ever......everyone was a hero that day.....

3)What is THE WORST criminal offense ever?

thats awefully vague youre right. but to me anythign child related....any harm to a child is digusting to me and the worst offense ever. i dont care if you shot 10000 cops, you harm a child youre scum to the world....

4)What was the worst offense ever committed
generally the same question as 3......thats something to consider watching court tv on :lol:
Try being a cop in my town

There worse than most crims
Copyed films
coyped games
The_Loose_Cannon said:
welcome back :) and when i said the 4th grade thing, it was a flashback to when in general it was career day at school and all the kids had to say what they wanted to be when they grew up :lol: thats why i said that it "brings back those memories" or wtvr i said haha.

>Monsteroids:I was joking myself

heroine.......ive seen nasty fatalities on it. one may argue on another drug but to me, an overdose on that is quite disgusting....:( esp when you look at their never forget the image...

>Monsteroids:I'm squeamish so it isn't something I'd consider seeing

9/11 was the scarest moment of everyones life. i was in school when it happend. my brother was working in the second tower and virtually everyone i knew from all forms of law enforcement, EMS, fire response were there. ill never forget my heart just dropping from that point on. lucky for me those i knew personally were brother i reached right before all the cellphone towers went out and when i heard him say "hi" in that depressed tone and the phoens went dead (at around 11.32 in the AM) thats all i needed to know that he was ok......

after that i was there helping just trying to rescue what i can and go through what was there. it was heartbreaking, it was hard, it was messy, it was scarey it was the worst ever......everyone was a hero that day.....

>Monsteroids:WOAH! 9/11 for me was my mother frantically waking me up to tell me to see the TV. "I like TV but not all the time ya know!" I was shocked at what I saw! Literally completely in utter shock(I live in Canada but had moved there from NY). I in fact asked if it was April 1rst and my mom thought I was joking(I was in a sense(IT WAS SO UNBELIEVABLE:ee5k: )!!!

thats awefully vague youre right. but to me anythign child related....any harm to a child is digusting to me and the worst offense ever. i dont care if you shot 10000 cops, you harm a child youre scum to the world....

>Monsteroids: Wow I think the same

generally the same question as 3......thats something to consider watching court tv on :lol:
Monseroids: Can I rephrase that? I meant Who has committed the worst so far or what is the worst you've dealt with?

What is the grossest thing you've een on the job?(you don't have to describe it toooooo much) I think I may be able to go on forever! Like this: :incazzato:
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  • #43
Monsteroids said:
What is the grossest thing you've een on the job?(you don't have to describe it toooooo much) I think I may be able to go on forever! Like this: :incazzato:

oh man i cant name just one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

deff the guy who pissed all over the inside of my squad car....that was bad! OR the woman that had skeevies she litterally had bugs inside her was disgusting!

Darkprinny said:
Try being a cop in my town

There worse than most crims
Copyed films
coyped games

im guilty, i copy movies/games but no drugs lol. if thats whats bad in your town, i might consider a transfer! lol
Darkprinny said:
Try being a cop in my town

There worse than most crims
Copyed films
coyped games

...That's... not that bad. xD;;

By the way, do you live on Long Island, or somewhere else in New York? Long Island's South fork is usually worse in crimes than the North fork.
Why do many cops take advantage of their status? They don't user their blinkers, etc, etc, and they turn on their siren to get through a red light; I've seen it happen. They speed even if they're not chasing anyone. I've always had a problem with cops for this reason... a good number of them are hypocrites.
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