ask a cop

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  • #17
Monsteroids said:
I'm still in school but it's been a while since a cop came to our school. I feel like I'm in 4th grade again! :D What kind of characteristics and personality types make the best cop?

got that whole "career day" flash back feeling huh? haha

a funny, witty, sarcastic son of a b*tch usually makes the best cop in flat out honesty!!!!!!!!!! alright alright alright so thats not "entirely" true! lol

really, someone who can step up to a situation and address it head on. you have got to be 110% in the game because you and your partner are all you got on the streets. you gotta be prepared for EVER situation possible. just becauase you read it in your police handbook given to you when you entire the academy doesnt mean 10 years from now it wont happen.

todays cops have to really think of everything. we've been through alot with 9-11 i mean did we really expect so many cops and firefighters along with mothers, children, fathers, husbands and wives to die that day as well? it has woken up MANY of todays law enforcement officers to a differernt perspective. its not all like TV. not everyone is andy sipowitz from NYPD blue or happy go lucky like on 3rd watch.

the best type of cop is someone who can save a life. if you cant then what are you doing with that shield?

miigo said:
When pulling over people for speeding, are there 'brackets' for fines? For example 3-7 mph over = xx fine, 8-12 mph over = xxx fine?

THe reason I ask is in my younger days I got a few speeding tickets and I would say a majority of them were for 13 mph over (IIRC) but I thought it was quite odd that I kept getting pulled over (different officers, different towns, ect.) for the same I assumend that there ARE brackets and I kept on getting bumped to the next higher bracket.
That being said, do you guys make commission? :smilewinkgrin:

if you catch a cop on a bad day and he feels like being a "bastard" chances are even if youre 1MPH over the speed limit, hell nail you truth and simple. i dont bother if its 10MPH over because lets face it youre on a high way no ones on the road and youre in the HOV lane. i dont really care. thats my truth and if my internal affairs bureu were to read this, then they can know the truth as well.

true story, my mom a LONG time ago was driving on long island in nassau county. she was lost on a side street and was driving a little "off" cop pulled her over and actually gave her a ticket! she was driving UNDER the speed limit. it was only a 50$ fine but truth of the matter, cop was being a jerk to my mom who addmittedly notified the cop she was lost. cop didnt care.

it honstly depends on the person too. if youre driving a car that goes WAHHHHHHHHHH (ie too fast too furious) youre a target for potential speeders. and probably going to get a fine for speeding even if it is over 5-10MPH.:nono:

on the whole commission thing, we dont make that unfortunitly. we DO make over time for processing papers and arrests which equals to time and a halfs pay. :)

Redan499 said:
Have you ever pistol whipped a person?

nope but have been tempted on MANY OCCASSIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad5:
I'm thinking of becoming a cop, would you think of it as a good career? Also, what are the requirements? I live on Long Island, New York.
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  • #19
Darkprinny said:
What about Uk laws

Intureder in our homes
We cant do anything to stop them
But if they fall over in our home they cant sue us


If blackbelt (or Sifu)
We have to say so 10 times beofre fighting back aganst a mugger (im not so i can get stuck in)
And we have to restrain our selfs (the mugger dont)


UKs laws are f`ed up

unfortuntily, we have the same system in NY where if someone was to break into your house, and they trip and injure themselves they can sue. sick world huh? however in places like FL or texas, they have the right to shoot someone if they enter their property....this is why i hate living in a liberal state! haha.

there is actually an article i read a VERY long time ago in the NY times i believe on how a criminal snuck into someones house and fell through the roof! he attempted to go through the glass windows that people have (the sun roof things) in their houses. guy sued and actually won! it couldnt be "proven" that he had stolen something from the house. granted it was still breaking and entering which i believe he was charged for BUT because he injured himself without warning in someone elses home, he got away with it!:sick:

as for fighting with someone, it depends on the situation. assult is assult though regardless of who throws the first punch. it also depends on who is a creditable whitness as well

~Marisa~ said:
Awww that's so sad! Your boyfriend is a cop as well? If someone ever tries to break into your house, it'll be the biggest mistake of their life haha. I have such respect for cops - putting your lives just to protect people.

I live in Washington state and just this past week our car horn kept honking and we thought someone was breaking in, so we called the cops and they couldn't see what it was either. They told us if it happened again to call immediatly cause there have been lots of car robberies the past few months.

It happened again so we called again. Apparently what was happening was that it got so cold our horn was honking cause the electrical connect. They said it happens with the color changing of stop lights as well. 3 cops came and helped us disconnect our battery in 20 degree weather! They were the nicest cops and played in the snow a bit too haha.

I understand why it's such a big deal when a cop dies on duty, such a tragic loss! We had a young cop in our county recantly who died on duty because he pulled someone over for speeding and the person shot him :frown2: He died and had a wife and an infant child. All the cops, fireman, soldiers and whatnot went to his funeral - thousands of people. He was a loved person :(

if someone were to break into our house, theyd be attacked by the pitbull first hahaha THEN if they got past that dog, theyd get a lovely ar15 shoved right up the behind!:cornut: i dont think people are that stupid to even mess around with our household:hand:

sounds like you had a bunch of nice cops helping you out with the whole car situation! hahaha. something similar happend to my brother a LONG time ago. i was younge and my mom dad brother his gf and me were all sleeping. it was nearly 3AM. my brother had a brand new 1995 (?)dodge neon that he recieved when he graduated HS. it was a farly warm night i dont remember it being cold or anything but my mom banged on my brothers door trying to wake him up! he was dead asleep and then opend the door. my mom was telling him that his alarm was going off and the whole neighborhood was wide awake. except it didnt sound like an alarm, it sounded like someone slammed their head on the steering wheel and went to sleep! the car horn was stuck! my bro had to disconnect the whole damn thing and drove around without a horn! talk about crazy!

im glad that the cops helped you in your time of need :) usually when they see a pretty face and a "damesel in distress" they cant resist! haha:p

i dont know if its the same in washington but sometimes on roads right before the traffic light, there is a black "box outline" in a darker black metal. that is the "sensor" for the lights to change when cars pull up to it it notifies that its time to change and rotate. sometimes if its really late at night they dont work properly so you have to back up and roll over the sensors again. if it gets stuck still after that, i usually go through it. if you get nailed by a cop, the law states that there is a 5 min waiting period if youre the only car on the road and the roads are clear and you waited 5 min, you may go. if the cop was sitting there and was watching you and they KNOW you didnt wait 5 min then youre screwed :cryin:

thanks for your compassion on cops who die in the line of duty. i went to about 40 some odd funerals after 9-11 and aniversaries, and everything. it hurts me still. its been quite a few years and there are still cops who have long term illnesses in regards to 9-11. my bf for one has resperatory issues. sad story :(
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  • #21
Jenova said:
I'm thinking of becoming a cop, would you think of it as a good career? Also, what are the requirements? I live on Long Island, New York.

this is IABs worst nightmare

its called NYPD rant. in that site, youll read why allll the old timers on the job hate being a cop. youll read all the contracts that they get every few years, deffered compensation, EVERYTHING. thats the biggest downside to being an NYPD cop. the pay SUCKS and youre like living in a zoo where all the monkies (not implying racist thoughts) throw fecies at you.

me personally i love it. i dont regret a single day being on the cop. if you live in long island, take the upcomming Suffolk County Police department test. they make MUCH more money or even nassau. currently the port authority is looking for bodies too over at JFK airport.

the best thing about the NYPD is the overtime and our retirement. when we retire we make the BIG bucks! all you need is 20 years on the job and you can retire. also you can go out on 3/4s if you want to as well.

if you want to know the requirements, call your local recruiter at 212-recruite. the guys there are very informative and can answer all your questions. or, visit the government site

they have a section for upcomming police exams and qualifications. the basics are just 2 years of college (60 credits) or 2 years military. if you dont have quite enoguh credits, you get 12 just for entering and completeing the academy. also they pay you 12K for the 6 months youre in.

then of course theres the physical aspect but generally, the recruiters want you to suceed so they will help you with additional training and testing. they have a thing now if you fail, they give you an MP3 type devise with the questions and answers to help you memorize and study harder:yesnod:
The_Loose_Cannon said:
this is IABs worst nightmare

its called NYPD rant. in that site, youll read why allll the old timers on the job hate being a cop. youll read all the contracts that they get every few years, deffered compensation, EVERYTHING. thats the biggest downside to being an NYPD cop. the pay SUCKS and youre like living in a zoo where all the monkies (not implying racist thoughts) throw fecies at you.

me personally i love it. i dont regret a single day being on the cop. if you live in long island, take the upcomming Suffolk County Police department test. they make MUCH more money or even nassau. currently the port authority is looking for bodies too over at JFK airport.

the best thing about the NYPD is the overtime and our retirement. when we retire we make the BIG bucks! all you need is 20 years on the job and you can retire. also you can go out on 3/4s if you want to as well.

if you want to know the requirements, call your local recruiter at 212-recruite. the guys there are very informative and can answer all your questions. or, visit the government site

they have a section for upcomming police exams and qualifications. the basics are just 2 years of college (60 credits) or 2 years military. if you dont have quite enoguh credits, you get 12 just for entering and completeing the academy. also they pay you 12K for the 6 months youre in.

then of course theres the physical aspect but generally, the recruiters want you to suceed so they will help you with additional training and testing. they have a thing now if you fail, they give you an MP3 type devise with the questions and answers to help you memorize and study harder:yesnod:

Lmao, I'm only 15, can't take any tests yet. xD But I really want to be a cop more than anything. I have a few friends who are, they say the pay is very good. ($100,000 a year, I've heard.)

I don't need to worry about the physical aspect, I'm physically fit. Also, I am a Black Belt 2nd Degree, would that aid in my resume?
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  • #23
motherbrainrulez said:
do you think cannabis should be legal?

me? in certain ammounts its fine. i dont smoke it nor do i wish to infact the smell makes me nausious (but ive got PLENTY of friends who smoke it anyways since it relaxes them)

i think weed is one of the most harmless drugs out there compaired to what other kids try/carry. i see someone with weed i just turn away and thank god actually that that is ALL they are doing!

ive studied it and ive seen the side effects. most people are responsible when they use weed anyways for the most part. never do you ever see in the news "guy kills wife while smoking weed" or "guy shoots weed dealer" usually the bigger murders are over MUCH WORSE drugs. :tard:

so i think there should be a limitation on holding for weed. in POUNDS oh yeah ill lock your ass up in jail, for a tiny blunt whats the point?
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  • #25
motherbrainrulez said:
damn, the cops over here aren't as nice as you

thats because i was once a kid too. i had my share of stupidity. i tend to deal with adults. if its a kid whos 18 sitting in his car with the 16 yera old stick thin highlighted big boobed gf in his "pimped out car" trying to impress her speeding at 100MPH, i warn them because i was a kid too i had guys do that to me too when i was younger. :frown2:

i remember what it was like to use a fake id and go drinkin at 14 too. i was just as dumb back then. so like i said, im the "warning officer" my partner and commanding officers sometimes yell at me but come on i bet if they recalled half the stuff they did back in the day theyd see where i was comming from:eek:

im usually harder on the adults. 99.9% of the time i will NOT hesititate to write a ticket to someone who deserves it. im all about respect too. if someone is rude to me or says something to me instantaniously i turn into "b*tch cop" and you blew your chance of warnings. ill make it so you think 2x before mouthing off to me:nono:

Jenova said:
Lmao, I'm only 15, can't take any tests yet. xD But I really want to be a cop more than anything. I have a few friends who are, they say the pay is very good. ($100,000 a year, I've heard.)

I don't need to worry about the physical aspect, I'm physically fit. Also, I am a Black Belt 2nd Degree, would that aid in my resume?

the minimum age to take the NYPD test is 18 so yes, you got a wayyyys to go! :) thats a heads up of things to come then so keep those sites and that number in mind.

if youre friends are making 100K a year, they must be corrupt! lol. right now including overtime im at 40K a year. base pay is 32K when i started. rumor has it its been lowered:nonod: :mad2: they must have time on or not work for NYPD must be another department.

as for the black belt, my bf is a 2nd degree black belt (i think!!!! i know hes high up there) in jiu jitsu he used to train for years! now hes a fat lazy old man :drool: hahaha

it deff can build to the resume any form of martial arts! it proves that you have the physical ability A and B you have self control and the ability to tkae down someone half your size even if youre big/small. theres a section in the filing forms that ask you what your background is and deff put that down on the paper work!:thumbsup:
can you arest someone for skateboarding on the street, or in a car park and stuff?
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  • #27
blueprint said:
can you arest someone for skateboarding on the street, or in a car park and stuff?

only on private property and theres a huge sign that says "no trespassing"

i see tons of kids over by the malls, library, banks, ect. anywhere theres a parking lot basically.

only time we get calls is for reckless behavior IE kids being kids. if its someone calling because "oh they are on my property oh no not the children get away ewwww!:frown2: " kind of calls, we dont usually bother to respond "fast" we usually take about 45 min to respond to the scene haha:prrr:
Can you beat people up for playing shity music
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  • #29
Darkprinny said:
Can you beat people up for playing shity music

thats up there with the pistol whipping question ;)

unfortunitly there will be assh*les that listen to yani and akon :lol:

so the answer, NO :(
Ok i have a Canadien and well im planing on moving to America to become a police officer...i was wondering if that is actually possible..and if so, How do i become one?
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