An Alternate Plot, Pokemon Style -Sign-ups-

@inugami: could you space out what the characters are saying? ending one sentance then starting another is not good.

Dal may have said mine needed spacing but compared to those last couple posts, mines perfect.
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Its cool. Jeez dude, your like a Genie. We rub your lamp afterr a couple days of inactivity, and suddenly, your here. How many wishes I got? :lol: jk


Anyways, I got linked to a certain internet page which is not only swamped with spyware, but forces you to close down all of your tabs because there's an infinite amount of popups on it. The picture it shows you is fat man gay porn very unsettling, and the only ways to stop it are to close your internet down with Task Manager, or to shut your computer down entirely. I did the former of the two, but it meant I lost my entire post in the process, and I was nearly finished. Downhearted, I didn't try again.

So I decided to sign on again to post, but then I realized that I'm so sick that it hurts my ears every time I press a key on the keyboard because it's so loud, so i'll post in a day or two. Sorry, guys. :(

For reference, it was Adrenaline (wtheburgerkingw) who sent me the link. Dal, CJ, you're both familiar with him as a ref. He was cool at first, but he's becoming more and more of a pest. I doubt I'll have him ref for me or battle again or (if I become one) ref for him ever again. He's become more and more of a pervert/loser, and I'm done with him.
For reference, it was Adrenaline (wtheburgerkingw) who sent me the link. Dal, CJ, you're both familiar with him as a ref. He was cool at first, but he's becoming more and more of a pest. I doubt I'll have him ref for me or battle again or (if I become one) ref for him ever again. He's become more and more of a pervert/loser, and I'm done with him.
Ugh, he sent me the link, too. Pissed me off.
What an idiot. Hope you get better soon, Phil.

Hey...Its been a week since I got excepted to trial, hasnt it?
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  • #579
Because of the recent inactivity and my ambiguity as to whether you are to stay or not, I'm going to give you three more days before I finalize my decision.
I feel your pain about losing huge posts, WMBQ... I lost one only an hour ago. -.-; It wasn't as important as a post in the RP, though.

More importantly, hope you get well soon dude. If the sound of a key being typed is painful, I can't imagine how terrible some other things might be...
that has happened to me a few times in the past, now i always copy my post before submitting
None of the rebels are doing anything, WMBQ has not been responding, Idk what to tell ya Nick
Well, he claims that hes sick and cant type anything. Once he gets better things should get back on track...I hope.

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