An Alternate Plot, Pokemon Style -Sign-ups-

Yay! I just wrote up another post that I like more than the first one! I think you guys will like it. I probably will post it some time tomorrow.

Thanks for the sprite, Dal.
Did I miss you getting accepted? All I remember was WMBQ putting you on like a "wait-list" kinda thing...then I saw you posted a few.

Plus, and this isn't directed at everyone, please use proper grammar when posts. Proofreading should be your best friend ;D
Ok, obviously from my posts, im back. Happy to be, also.

@ Nick: Why do you keep trying to reserve posts?
Good to see you're finally back, Storm. :thumbsup:

Man, a gigantic riot broke out and Requiem's no where nearby to draw some blood, what a disappointment. >.>;
My last post is so much better than the other one. I...ummm...dont know how to post the sprite, through. Sorry....
Copy and paste the link, the put
around it.
Thanks CK. Good to be back.

@ Nick: Why do you use *asterisks* for thoughts? Only Italics are neccessary.

Btw. @ Shadow: BUMP. Post.
@nick: just use italics, its easier.

@storm: i was just reading up on what i missed. i went to see Watchmen today so thats why i wasn't on
@nick: just use italics, its easier.

To be honest, I'd have to disagree. Back in my early days of RP I used Asterisks much of the time for various things. Shifting and pressing a button is faster than clicking the italics button, or typing in .

Italics is fancier, though. :p
lmao CK. Ahhhh.,..... its so good to be baaaack.....

(Ctrl + I, Ctrl + B) lmao.
@WMBQ- You ever write up the rough draft for the new RP?

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