An Alternate Plot, Pokemon Style -Sign-ups-

Thanks!....I think Tyre and Requiem should get their groups going, as it might help revive the plot. Im pretty sure Nak and the Monferno are the only ones not in a group now....and Duskull. Nak will probably team up whatever character or group he meets first.

Ill be sure to indent, Dal.
Good introductory post Nick, well done. Keep it up, and we'll have another plotter for the making! :thumbsup:

Speaking of posts... My post for Kajishi is a bit... long. I was trying to fit everything to catch him up in one post, so... excuse the graphic novel please. :p
Great post, CK. But...where is Requiem right now? He was somewhere near Violet, right?

You other guys should post soon too. If you all participate, we can get the plot going again. Im suppose Im giving you a headache....but who cares.
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  • #531
I quite liked your post, CK, but you should work on your semi-colon use over commas. If there's an independent clause before or after a comma in the same sentence, there should be a semi colon instead of a comma.

Nick, your post was decent, but try to make two lines between each paragraph, as Dal pointed out.

Also, you should care if you're giving us a headache. :p

I'll post in an hour or two.
Thanks Nick. :) If I'm correct, Requiem and the other 3 should be on route 43, if not, between 43 and 42. My memory is hazy...

Heh, sorry WMBQ, my grammar has some rather faulty points.
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  • #533
Requiem and friendly are currently approaching Mahogany Town atm.

OOC: Im reserving this post, K? Dont post anything until Im done.

Not okay, sorry. Please don't do this in the future.

I made another post...this one I think is incredibly crappy. My brain isnt working right now.....

Gah....might as well think about everything before I post......
^It wasn't very well written, not as good as your last. But then I did read it right after CK's, so it most likely seemed worse to me then it really was.
It is pretty bad....then again, I really just did it immediately without thinking much about it. Ill try my best to make my next post better.
Don't worry about it, it really wasn't that bad. I just thought it was a little rushed.
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  • #538
It's not necessary to think out your posts beforehand, but frankly, it's a really, really bad idea not to... at least, it is in my opinion.
Oy, Nick. You ask for sprites when it's really easy to just search for one.

Here's a good place for sprites:

And if yer too lazy to click it, like I am sometimes, here:
my last post was bad too, i feel rusty after that lay off.

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