An Alternate Plot, Pokemon Style -Sign-ups-

Im glad the story is moving along now. Just make sure no big arguing events happen again.

The water areas in the city look more like ponds, not rivers. I suppose its not that big of a deal, through.....
Nick said:
The water areas in the city look more like ponds, not rivers. I suppose its not that big of a deal, through.....
Phil said:
... for the sake of the plot, they'll be rivers going south from the north
The ponds are now rivers, Nick.
Well, I'm back in the game.. sort of. I honestly think I could of done a lot better on that recent post, considering I've been out of the game for so long.. So yeah, another apology for being gone without notice for awhile. Still sick though, and I need to get some sleep real soon..
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  • #409
Guys, I think I called Eterna Erenga in my last post...

I apologize. There is a perfectly reasonable excuse for this typo. I was being brain-dead.

I'm sure CK and Gigs know why I made that mistake xD

So, if I type Erenga by accident, please correct me... I'm sure that won't be the last time.
I'm sure CK and Gigs know why I made that mistake xD

..Actually, I didn't know why. o.o I thought you had a change of mind about your Eevee's name, so I went along with it. XD My bad, I'll keep alert if you do it again. Even if you do, no worries though. :lol:
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  • #411
I meant to type CJ. The J is next to the K on the keyboard.
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  • #413
No, it's jsut taht I'm a terrblie tpyer. It's awlays been taht way.
An RP god can't be a terrible typer. :p Cut the crap though, it's obvious you did that last post on purpose. :lol: [/captainobvious]

Seriously though, I make more mistakes that are just stupid than that on my posts, actually. I always check them over before posting though, fixing all the typos and grammatical errors I can find.
Haha Erenga! I miss hearing that name. I tear up sometimes when I thinka those dozen *tear*
ah yes the majestic 12; Ergena, Shadiah(nobody could spell that right), I don't even remember the other ones, pravis, gigs was like dygre or something
I can remember them all:

Mr. Chaos

Ahh, I rememer those names now.. the Majestic 12, ofcourse. I'm suprised I forgot, even if I only watched... I kept track of that RP for awhile, you know, t'was brilliant.

I still wonder why Sephiroth was accepted as one of the Majestics, though... ... He just seems so, ... unoriginal? >.>;
^That's bodine for ya, incredably creative

@CJ even in alphabetic order...excelent

@ck, well when your names gigaridley, you can do what you want. :lol:

Anybody not like the little bit of twang I added to Rocky's dialog? I just kinda threw that in today, I can get rid of it just the same. I think its a nice change from the perfect grammer of all the other characters. And it fits his character.

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