An Alternate Plot, Pokemon Style -Sign-ups-

I'm gonna be gone for the weekend so I give bunnying rights to Shadow. Have them do what you want but keep them as close to them selves as you can. Only posting this so evertone knows since I could tell him at school today.
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  • #392
Storm, I hereby give you the rights to just assume everyone in your group got on Vladmir's back.

I'll post momentarily.
Thank you, sounds good. im back. Jeez, these threads have been really inactive the past couple days...anyways, getting to my post.
Innactive indeed.. And ofcourse, I'm partly to blame. I apologize for not posting these last few days, I'm really, really sick. I hope to post tomorrow. Hopefully I can measure up to Storm's and Shadow's great posts. :lol:
I just read the first five pages of the plot.:) It's really good, guys.

Phil's reserving me a spot for the sequel, I think I'll either be a Croagunk or Mankey. What do you guys think?
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  • #398

...So, this is where the land rebels are right now. Due to my poopy memory of Johto, I thought those lakes were rivers... for the sake of the plot, they'll be rivers going south from the north.
Manky could be a really interesting character, looking forward to you being in the sequel!!!! :D
Thanks, B. You have any other ideas for a character? I just realized that we already had a hothead in this one, Storm the Slakoth. Cubone, perhaps?

Phil, did you remake that from scratch??:yikes:
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  • #400
xD no, I got that from Bulbapedia.
hey phil, no pertaining to ths thread, but how'd your second battle with misty go? did you use my advice?
Ah. Lol, wikipedia for Bulbasaurs.

WMBQ, where'd you get the idea to pick Rhyhorn as your character? Interesting choice.
And these water paths at the top are where the "rivers" lead to Violet, correct?
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  • #404
hey phil, no pertaining to ths thread, but how'd your second battle with misty go? did you use my advice?

I probably will end up taking it, but I haven't turned my FireRed since I saw that.

Good idea, Dal... but can you remove the quote? It stretches the page.
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