Abortion: Right or Wrong?

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abortions aren't going to have a significant impact on global population. according to malthus, our population is kept in check by disease, famine, and natural disasters. out of the sliver of pregnancies that end in abortion, the overwhelming majority of them are present in wealthy nations. if we really want to save our earth, we'll have to stray from our overly indulgent and wasteful lifestyles rather than debating on an issue as meager as this as a means of distraction.

that being said, i'm pro-abortion. if the situation calls for it, a woman should indeed have every right to choose. i'm in high school, and one of my best friends just had an abortion because she happens to be going out with an idiot, and an unhealthily horny idiot at that.
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  • #47
Answer please ..

Most cases your not "forced". In that case yes I would tell her she would have to deal with it because she did the wrong thing in the first place. Harmful pregnancy?
Most cases your not "forced". In that case yes I would tell her she would have to deal with it because she did the wrong thing in the first place. Harmful pregnancy?


Have you ever heard of rape?

And yes, there are harmful pregnancies. Some women die from giving birth, it's not an easy procedure.
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  • #49
I said most cases. If the person was raped than I understand
This thread again? Didn't we suck this dry before the forum crashed?

I have compiled three common arguments against abortion. Debate as necessary. :)

"Boethiah, when a man and a woman have sex, the baby is in the womb!"

The fetus inside the mother is exactly what the name says it is. It's a FETUS. It's just a collection of cells. Before a certain point, an Abortion should be legal. You won't be terminating a child, you will be terminating a bunch of cells. ( For example, if you're 8 1/2 months pregnant and decide for an abortion, tough toenails, it's already developed into a child)
"Boethiah, what about potential?"

Pfft. :prrr: What does that even mean? If I don't impregnate a woman right now, I am ruining the potential for a baby. The fetus cannot think for itself before a certain point. You won't be killing anything that's human yet.
"Boethiah, it's against my religion!"

Good for you, but why should your religion control everyone else?

Thank you kindly.
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  • #51
Those "collection of cells" form a baby, cmon its the same thing.

Abortion is wrong but it should be an option I guess.
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I said most cases. If the person was raped than I understand

Another example:

You and your girlfriend are having protected sex. A week later she comes over to your house and wants to talk. It turns out your condom broke and she's now pregnant. You both are still young and have your lives ahead of you. Would you tell her to go through with the pregnancy even if it means she has to give up the child for adoption in the end?
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  • #54
Sex before marriage is considered "bad" too, just like abortion, so they shouldn't be doing it in the first place
thats only considered bad bu religion, and adults who think that kids are too immature but here we are talking and being more mature than most adults.
what things are considered have little impact, more than 50 percent of people loose their virginity by their junior year.

and abortions do help fight over population. hundreds of thousands of people if not millions have them are you going to say thats not helping overpopulation. malthus wasn't alive when abortions were around or the he would have stated abortions to be one more way.

i do like that brownies14 is making compromise though and showing that he can be open minded by saying that it should remain a choice.
but i still disagree a sack of cells is not a baby.
What are your thoughts on it? Do you feel it's right or wrong? If so, why?

Personally I don't think it's fair to the baby, if something has the ability to become a living breathing human being and you decide to end it's life when their are options for adoption/foster homes, it makes it really stupid.

Well that's my take on it, what about you guys?

Remember not everyone will agree with you!

When I was doing an assignment on abortion, I found these statistics:

2% of abortions are because of woman being raped.

5% are because it risked the mothers health.

the other 93% are just going on because people don't want the baby.

So for the 7% that actually need it, 93% are just doing it as a form of birth control.

I'm fine with that choice given to the 7% Even then, they should have some counseling first.

For the other 93%, I'd say either have it and put it up for adoption, or
use the morning after pill. It's still murder in my eyes, but at least it's discrete, and not publicly funded.
I personally feel that abortion should not be allowed, unless the woman in question has been raped or cannot cope with it financially.

I hate the fact that most teenagers nowadays seem to use it as a way to erase their past and carry on having casual sex, without protection.
As a Christian, my views are unorthodox. Abortion should be legal. The circumstances change nothing. If you're a 16 year old who has never had sex before but has accidentally explored with their boyfriend? Yes. If you've taken contraceptives and still fall into the unlucky 'pregnant' category? Yes. Hell, even if you have an active sex life, don't take contraceptives and know all the risks it should be allowed. An earlyembryo does not have thoughts, feelings or emotions of itself- therefore I cannot call it any more 'human' than an egg cell or sperm cell.
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