The End of the World

niidawii said:
I wonder if people will ever consider the deep ocean as a possible relocation option for mankind in the future. It's a freaking huge, hardly uncovered area which seems to be teeming with new kinds of life and ecosystems and whatnot. Those animals can adapt, technology should be able to too.

Wonder if you will share those sentiments after playing Bioshock. hehe j/k but I'm seriously looking forward to this game for the 360. :p
niidawii said:
I'm not going to get into it here, but all I'll say is, you really don't seem to know what actually goes on internally there, or what has for the past almost 70 years. Everyone knows that Israel has nukes. They're freaking military technology geniuses. Palestinian land is land given up by the government to attempt to temporarily placate the crazy leaders of the terrorist organizations controlling arab residents of the Strip. If Lebanon wants respect, then it should cooperate better with the UN and Israel in attempting to disarm the Hezbollah, which has already rearmed to the point where it's as powerful as it was at the beginning of the skirmishes. Using civilians and populated areas as meatshields for Israeli retaliation hardly incriminates Israel as disrespectful tyrannical double-standard enforcers. Please.

How is Lebanon going to help anyone now Israel has blown up most of it? They can barely help themselves! And if you're so knowledgeable about Israeli history, then I'm sure you'll know that Israel has been illegally occupying the West Bank and Gaza Strip for the past few decades, i.e. it's not their land to give up.

I'm not saying Israel doesn't have a right to defend itself- Hezbollah's and Hamas' tactics make me sick, and I'll be glad to see the end of them- but Israel should recognise that they need to compromise on some issues if there's ever going to be peace in the Middle East.

Xanthan said:
Wonder if you will share those sentiments after playing Bioshock. hehe j/k but I'm seriously looking forward to this game for the 360. :p

I'm looking forward to it as well. Looks like a rather unique game.
Ahh come on people. You say the Earth will be hit by a meteorite, do you not think that when that time comes we will not be prepared? Get a grip!

Haven't any of you see "Deep Impact" or "Armageddon" ? The Earth always prevails in them movies! Sure you say, they are just movies, but they are rather close to the truth. Baring in mind that them films are set in the early 21st century, I think that when a meteorite does come, we will be even more prepared. Our nukes will finally serve a purpose of saving mankind instead of destroying it.
Meh when it ends I wont give a 5h1t.

We fooked this planet up anyway
every played a little game called echo the dolphin? huhhhh. huhhhhhhhhh? dolphins shall take over
No, If humanity continues its selfishness and err how should i put it... dumbass-ness? Then our world will be drowned in the misery of the sun's heat that will continue to melt antartica or how ever you call it and greenland...After this our world will literally drown in misery... That is to say if we do continue to be idiots... So that's why im saying were all dying in 40-60 years anyways...

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