A Hope / Rant

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mushroomedmario said:
yeah sorry i hope for it as well, but it's not goign to happen

metroid is like zelda you know? i personally don't think metroid should be like zelda, i know there are different hunters and stuff but imo, it just wouldn't work

people play metroid for the single player
people play halo for the multiplayer

a more logical hope to have is that they'll release another metroid prime game with only online(it'll be cheap, an expansion sorta like thing) but i don't even see that happening
Metroid Prime 3 is NOTHING like zelda. Not in same time frame, not developed by same people, DEFINATELY not same genre. The only similarity it has is that it is being published by Nintendo...

Sorry this is the future. Not all games need to be online with multiplayer to be good. But a First Person Shooter should be online.

And I am sick of people who say "its a First person adventure"

Its an FPS... get over it. It isn't a First Person Adventure...with gun.

There is no way that online would make the game bad. The campaign would be the same but guess what would be there. MORE REPLAY VALUE! I am sorry but Legend of Zelda... I haven't played it since I beat it. I moved on. And someday I will because its truly good and there are good reasons to play it, sentimental. But this is a game that needs multiplayer. I could pay the same price for a game with a great campaign AND a great online system that I could for this. Why should I pick this? I mean hell it will be a good game. But it would be tons better online. And in a modern FPS there should be. When the only FPS even really scheduled for release on Wii is this... it better have online. That is just stupid that it wouldn't. On top of that the fact that its american developed means Retro is just stupid if they fail to understand the extra success it would have being online.

Might I add how much an oddity it is to make Multiplayer in MP2, and Multiplayer in MPH and then just REMOVE it when the NEXT GEN console is out. Its just stupid...
If it has online I prolly won't use it. Last time I tried Halo 2 online I ran into some baby with an obvious voice mask that made him sound like an 82 year old woman. He was trying to diss me, too bad all he could say was you suck you f'in loser. I told him off, beat him and tried one more time and ran into a guy who d\cd and I just passed the controller to my friend and said: "yeah have fun with that dude. I'm going home to play some Melee."

True Story. It was when my friend first got his xbox with both halos and the xbox live service. He was trying to show off. As you an see, it didn't work too well.

This thread should've ended at mym6's post.
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yupp. no sense in having hope anymore. idc really, ive managed the other two without online and loved them both. but because of the possibility of it being online (cause the Wii is online) everyone expected it to be. and now that its not...theyre crying about it and not buying the game. oh well. there loss. i agree, this thread shouldnt have even gone this far.

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