A Hope / Rant

Rhinos said:
i read tht rticl nd it sez dont moan about no online because it was created for 1 person.

what a load of bollocks

get a 360 and f it nub.

wow... I'm sorry... but still.

It was made for 1. 1 Samus, doy!
You can never go wrong with online gaming. That makes a game last and that changes the game to accommodate a wide array of players, from those who appreciate a good story to those who love to blast their friends. i personally love both but the game is over when the game is over. And i personally think that sucks. I know that I might play Twilight Princess like one more time but pretty much that game is over for me. So i'm gonna keep my fingers crossed.
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Monsteroids said:
get a 360 and f it nub.

wow... I'm sorry... but still.

It was made for 1. 1 Samus, doy!

Name 1 game that has a lead character that can copy itself.....

According to youre argument no game can have online.

You can never go wrong with online gaming. That makes a game last and that changes the game to accommodate a wide array players, from those who appreciate a good story to those who love to blast they're friends. i personally love both but they games over when the games over. And i personally think that sucks. I know that I might play Twilight Princess like one more time but pretty much that games over for me. So i'm gonna keep my fingers crossed.
AMEN!! Multi-player expands the game so much! Also gives the developers a chance to get more money out of it with map-packs and expansion packs :p
What a rediculous thread. It's been confirmed there no online multiplayer. The game has already been reviewed and also confirmed as completed by IGN. Stop expecting something that is so clearly not coming.
ok, online isnt possible, even if its a last minute thing

the games been done and the option of adding online is impossible

countless gaming companys ALREADY have the last version of mp3 and havent said anything about there being online

and even if the company's did an "oath" to not say its online, the info would have already been leaked

the only online thing youll see is some achivements

and its not a kick in the balls when you EXPECT a great single player campaign and dont care about online cause everyone knows that the ds mp hunter campaign was shortened because of online

hardcore games want a damn bigger campaign, not to play with 8 year olds who leave if they lose

give your hopes up now

its not happening

its single player

and thats final
A little hopeless are we?
It's not gonna happen, get over it.
Yes, it would be nice.
But no, it won't have online multiplayer.
Just appreciate the game as it is, and play it.
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Thundercun7 said:
no, it isnt online.

BTW metroid isnt Wii's halo killer. SSBB is. remember? the game thats also in its third iteration? the game WITH online play and battle? the game launching around the same time?
Thats just stupid. Brawl online won't hold half the lasting appeal as halo 3's will. FPS with HUGE game varient constant action is the best genre for online multiplayer. And Yes, Metroid is Wii's Halo 3. For the fact that it is an FPS and a blockbuster. Iwata wants it to be. We are talking FPS genre because you can't even ****ing compare games like Brawl to Halo 3. they are in two entirely different spectrum's.
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som1 said:
ok, online isnt possible, even if its a last minute thing

the games been done and the option of adding online is impossible

countless gaming companys ALREADY have the last version of mp3 and havent said anything about there being online

and even if the company's did an "oath" to not say its online, the info would have already been leaked

the only online thing youll see is some achivements

and its not a kick in the balls when you EXPECT a great single player campaign and dont care about online cause everyone knows that the ds mp hunter campaign was shortened because of online

hardcore games want a damn bigger campaign, not to play with 8 year olds who leave if they lose

give your hopes up now

its not happening

its single player

and thats final

If your implying that online on MP3 would not be good your very VERY wrong. And as I said, it is likely already in there. If it is there then yes its there. And info wouldnt have necessarily have been leaked.

And as I said before. Stupid move if it isn't. And as Wii has no current ability to talk to opponents.... how would it matter how old your opponent is. Hardcore gamers want a game that will last further than campaign because you can only play campaign so many times (and not many more times than 1)
u guys are turning this thread into a flamefest chill if thats his opinions dont start flaming because he's wrong or anything respect them, and stop trying to prove your point that its not online because that makes you look like a immature person we all know that he's just hoping it will happen. Btw just my 2 cent's
Ya well a majority of kids own the Wii and facing brat after brat would just kill it for me and less effort would've been put into SP where Ninty excels, EXCELS dammit!!!
well usa's getting mp3 augast 27th japans getting it december , i think it was europe getting it 08 and there still deciding for australia its all on wikipedia you can check. and nintendo would tell us if mp3 had online because its coming out in 4 days for them
If this game isn't, I think it'll be ok. Although I'm glad my security in Nintendo isn't held in the fate of the game online capabilities because from what I've seen... not good things. But there is surely going to be a few good FPS to come out. There's suppose to be a new MOH coming out. Hopefully that will be online and maybe a good Bond game... with that freaking Blond Hair Blue eyed chump. But still, the game might be good if EA is in charge of it. Nightfire what a great game. That game online would have been fun.
yeah sorry i hope for it as well, but it's not goign to happen

metroid is like zelda you know? i personally don't think metroid should be like zelda, i know there are different hunters and stuff but imo, it just wouldn't work

people play metroid for the single player
people play halo for the multiplayer

a more logical hope to have is that they'll release another metroid prime game with only online(it'll be cheap, an expansion sorta like thing) but i don't even see that happening
mym6 said:
Metroid Prime 3 will not have online play no matter how many threads you start about it, get over it.
daym phukin strait!

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