Metroid prime 3 may corrupt

i never played any Metroid games. But considering eveyone is excited about this game, its a FPS and there arent any Great ones out there and Nintendo is making it. I might get it, if it ever comes out:rolleyes:

When Nintendo makes there games, they are great. They know how to use the controls and use them in the best way.
Yeah. Retro Studios did a great job transitioning Metroid from 2d to 3d. I'm sure they won't have a problem getting it from controller to Wii Remote + nunchuk.
The controlls already work great (took these from an old post of mine)
The graphics already look great, realy awsome for the Wii.
With the above and everything else being pretty much perfected when the game was shown off at E3 that meens all these months they've been working on single-player?

Dought it...
Don't see how it would take this long unless they're adding online too.
And online would be an addition not a replacement so quit bitching about how adding online will ruin the game.

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption _ Controlls

1. Pointer – POINT the Remote Controller _ to Free Look and to Aim
2. Controller – PULL the Remote Controller away from the screen _ to Pull Arm Back
3. Controller – TWIST the Remote Controller counter-clockwise _ to Twist Arm
4. Controller – PUSH the remote towards the screen _ to push arm forward

A button – PRESS _ to Start / to Re-Enter Combat Visor / to Interact with Objects / to Shoot Cannon / Drop Bombs (when in morph ball mode)
HOLD _ to Power Cannon and to Suck Objects in Cannon

B button – to Jump

D-Pad (any) – PRESS _ to Switch to the Scan Visor and Re-Enter Combat Visor
D-Pad (down) – PRESS _ to Fire Missiles

1. Controller – CAST the Nunchuk _ to Fire Grapple forwards
2. Controller – YANK the Nunchuk _ to Pull Grapple backwards

Analog Stick – MOVE _ to move Samus around
Z button – PRESS _ to Scan / Lock on to Enemies / Lock on to Grapple Target
C button – PRESS_ to transform into Morph Ball

All of these were taken out of the video below. Little should change control wise between now and release, if any at all.
kilo27 said:
Im looking forward to metroid prime 3 but I don't want to see any multiplayer or online it will destroy the series. The multiplayer in prime 2 was bad and I mean bad, they should stay with the same idea as prime 1 with an incredible single player experience because that game is one of the best ever.

Any opinions on this, do u want multiplayer or not?

What are you talking about, the multiplayer in MP2 was awesome, it helped the game alot, i really want to see online in MP3 considering how much fun it was on MPH.
If the Wii wants to compete with the likes of xbox live and what have you they need MP3 to have online gaming. Anyone play Halo for the PC online? Thats how MP3 should be

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