metroid prime hunters wii?


Your Savior
Dec 23, 2007
Wii Online Code
i was thinking " a good game with online multiplayer and an actual chance to add voice to the wii? there is a good 2 answers, final fantasy crystal bearers or metroid prime hunters wii, and i flipped a coin and picked metroid prime hunters, i think this would be a great chance for good online multiplayer, voice, and fun. does anyone else think this is a goos idea?
I think that there's a pretty good chance that the next Metroid game on Wii will feature some sort of online multiplayer. The only problem is the company that has made the last 3 console builds of Metroid, Retro, is currently working on a separate project.. so we would have to wait for it for awhile.
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nic7 said:
I think that there's a pretty good chance that the next Metroid game on Wii will feature some sort of online multiplayer. The only problem is the company that has made the last 3 console builds of Metroid, Retro, is currently working on a separate project.. so we would have to wait for it for awhile.

when us sony fanboys heard of kh birth by sleep and found out it wasn't coming out till 2011, we didn't mind, i'm sure if retro does decide to do that, it will be well worth it
I wouldn't mind seeing NST work on the Metroid Prime Hunters Sequel as a WiiWare online mutliplayer only game. They could use the hunters from Prime 3 plus Dark Samus as well as the past hunters could be a good game.
Well actually you guys.......have any of you seen the secret ending of MP3? didn't that ship that followed smaus look like Silux's? I thought it did, and when I saw it I was like "OMG! MPH2 on the WII!!." I think it would be a great idea to do a sequel of this on the wii, but if they do it should be up to at least 16 players....
yeah i remember that ending..lets hope I mean NST did the original Hunters game so Retro wouldn't need to be involved for a Wii sequel

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