007 Embassy [E7]: GoldenEye 007

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I should be able to make it, but no promises... the 22nd is my 5th anniversary. So I may or may not be busy on the 23rd. Sorry guys... this time of the year my wife comes first.
Yeah, I can definitely understand that one! Put your wife first, or you might come home one day to find your GE disk being used upside-down as a cup-holder for her coffee! :thumbsup:
Chris: That's fine; real life comes first. Congratulations. :)

So, who do we have playing? Orlando, Andrew, Stephen, and I, right?
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Lets try and get everyone to show up at the chat then we can have more than 1 team and switch off after say 3 or 4 games.
I hope the whole clan shows up! It would be awesome! We've grown considerably since out last clan war with [+]!
Hey Andrew, can you change under "Clan News" to the new date and time for the rematch against [+]? Also, here's the link to Bobby's profile. And another thing, to keep in unity with the rest of the Friend Codes, can you include dashes in Stephen's? Much appreciated, thanks. :)

I am looking forward to our clan match! It's going to be awesome. :thumbsup:
Congratulations, Chris! Hubby and I celebrated 3 years last month; will be 6 years of "togetherness" in November. :)
Hope you can make it to the clan war, but it's not a must; go enjoy your anniversary. :)
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