007 Embassy [E7]: GoldenEye 007

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IGN: nightfire
IRLN: Alex
KDR: 1.07
Hey Alex I'm glad u decided to apply !:)

Hey Andrew, can you change under "Clan News" to the new date and time for the rematch against [+]? Also, here's the link to Bobby's profile. And another thing, to keep in unity with the rest of the Friend Codes, can you include dashes in Stephen's? Much appreciated, thanks. :)

I am looking forward to our clan match! It's going to be awesome. :thumbsup:
I don't know him, but wow - according to the E7 chatzy rooom, he found out about E7 from just a simple Google search??? We must be REALLY picking up some serious recruiting steam! :thumbsup:
^ Impressive and respectable gameplay from clanners can lead to a lot of recruits findin' your clan forum via Google and your clan name, let me tell ya. Havin' a unique clan tag (to show up better in search engines) can be damn important if a clan wants to reap the benefits of puttin' their best players atop the pedestal in online games with randoms.
i am currently sitting in a PC Bang 9 (1000 won an hour) to see among other things how we did in the clan war.
(this qwerty) boqrd is difficult).

Too bad we lost, i am sure we gave a good account though.
Another 25 more days to go and i am back.

zhen is the next clan war? should ze do some training?
i am currently sitting in a PC Bang 9 (1000 won an hour) to see among other things how we did in the clan war.
(this qwerty) boqrd is difficult).

Too bad we lost, i am sure we gave a good account though.
Another 25 more days to go and i am back.

zhen is the next clan war? should ze do some training?

We're both PAL so we are only one member away from our own wars :O

And unlucky in the war yesterday guys, you'll get them next time ;)
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GG's [+] guys.

Also to my own clan I'm really sorry i had to leave early, I had an english presentation due today. Next time we'll get 'em.:thumbsup:
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