007 Embassy [E7]: GoldenEye 007

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GMT in the UK... Thats exactly 6hrs ahead of me. So my 6pm is your midnight, so I won't be on much at that time. Sorry.

Tina... Have to work till 5pm today. So how about 5:30? (6:30 EDT... still daylight savings so it is actually EDT not EST...)
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Chris: I do have to pick up hubby around 7-ish (EST). But anyway, I think I'll be able to make it. I'll see you on. :thumbsup:
Yoshi: We let alt accounts in, yes, and I don't think we have any PALS members as of right now. Are you thinking of joining?
I have an empty profile, I wanted to join [+] with it but I'm not going to bother asking. So yeah, I would like joining. I'll need to start at LV one though. But I can record every game I play :)
Yoshi: That's fine, I'm sure with your knowledge of the game, you'll level up quickly. :)

I'll have Andrew add you to the OP once he comes back online; welcome to [E7]!
From the looks of it, "Yoshi"/"Yosh" seem to be what you like to go by. Yoshi[E7]/Yosh[E7]. Or do you want to go into another direction? Feel free to choose any name to your liking; just as long as you tack on [E7]. :)
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Welcome to E7 Yoshi! I've put it off long enough so here goes, no one disturb me I'm off to edit :shifty:

Also, Yoshi what's your channel? I'll add a link to it in the OP.
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