007 Embassy [E7]: GoldenEye 007

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What the hell did I miss here?
Me getting fed up with Tampa's 'the supposedly inactive' behavior, and with everyone else just going along with it.
Since i'm obviously the odd on out i decided it's best if i take a step back.
I can just party up with members from E7, join them in a couple of interesting events without wearing the E7 tag.
Also i just decided that if OZ is active enough i'll join them aside from my passive membership with E7.
Whilst i in truth don't know that much about them, i do like cat and agow so i'll give their offer to join them a try.
+ a few of them are dutch, with flemish being my native language it would be nice to be able to talk them like that as well.
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War on Sat vs W44

Looking at noon start. I posted offer to w44 on gfaq. Koopa I hope you can make it we need you.
Sounds like you guys just want to war the world!!

...which is fine so far as I am concerned...LOL

I'd just make sure Tina, our clan leader, is in the loop.
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Pfft. This is how Tampa always is.

Thanks for letting me know about the possible clan wars. I'm sorry I've been such a sucky clan leader, real life is taking over. But believe me, I don't want it to. -_- Things will settle down next week.
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