Welcome Spark-man! Xplo's 100% right! The 007 Embassy is definitely doing well from a recruiting standpoint. I look forward to the day (very soon at this rate) that we can even start having competitive competitions inside our own clan (8 E7's in one match). Would be good practice! Great job folks!:thumbsup:
Hi Orlando! Just right click on my [E7] image, Copy Link Location. Go to the top of this page where it says, Settings. Once you are there, go to the left side of the page, and click Edit Signature. Then just copy and follow this format, edit to fit your preference:
Online name: DelaBnda[E7]
GE FC: 3699-3957-1107
LVL: 34
[img*]image of [E7] logo[/*img]
I wish I could, but I'm going to be at school all night. I'll have free time tomorrow - I still need to add you, Chris... I'll do it tomorrow. What about, let's say, 10 AM tomorrow, that will be 9 AM for you, right?