007 Embassy [E7]: GoldenEye 007

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Kaz: I'll probably end up creating one eventually. :) Do you have anymore suggestions on what should be on it?
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Kaz: I'll probably end up creating one eventually. :) Do you have anymore suggestions on what should be on it?
All the info on here, and a link to this page or some other place where people can sign up. That's all i got for now.
If some1 can be bothered (probably not :) ) to make some videos of when our clanmembers play together, they could be put up.
Kaz: I'll probably end up creating one eventually. :) Do you have anymore suggestions on what should be on it?

Well if your going to make a website, we need to make the clan logo. The one we have is fine but we need to extend it by adding the ''007 Embassy'' slogan underneath the ''[E7]'' title. Also we need to mention all the staff members on the front page.
Basically you tape your TV, then you upload it on Youtube on your account, and then embed the url on your website.
(And oh yeah, i've never done it myself,so all of the above is reeeeaaalllly easy to say for me, but to actually do....)
Interesting, thanks, Roald. :) Personally, I don't think I have the time to do it, but if someone else would like to, I'm game. :)
For those who do not visit the [E7] clan forum (the one with all the information).... there will be a war on 21st at 9 PM Est. From what I can see now, we have 3 people. We need another one... who is interested/can make it? Thanks! Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions or concerns. :)
There's Google Blogger, which is free and doesn't seem too complicated, but I personally was always too busy to try to create a full site
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For those who do not visit the [E7] clan forum (the one with all the information).... there will be a war on 21st at 9 PM Est. From what I can see now, we have 3 people. We need another one... who is interested/can make it? Thanks! Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions or concerns. :)
22nd 9 pm. 56ers can't make it. But I did manage to schedule a rematch against [+] clan on the 22nd.

Also Woadie says he could probably get a team together from [BLG] the same day. I told him we could probably make it around 7-8 pm is that ok?

So if you guys say yes we can have two wars. :D

And E7 members post here, telling us whether or not you can make it to either war.
I can make it to both.
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