007 Embassy [E7]: GoldenEye 007

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Yeah tamps it's cuz you play a lot of conflict, if i played conflict as much id probably be right around 2 also.
Yeah...I guess RedCrow and xplosive are right - kdr isn't the end-all-be-all. Over my profile's long history, the games have been about 95% Conflict & LTK. Only since I joined E7 have I been significantly playing the team formats. Out of curiosity, I looked at my (100% legit) profile's "eliminations" and "wins" stats, since these tend to be the "least hacked" on the GE leaderboards:

Wins: Overall Rank=1115, 2009W/2644L (mostly conflict), W/L Ratio=0.76, Streak=31

Eliminations: Overall Rank=211, 94,387 Elims / 47,959 Deaths, Ratio 1.97, Streak=31

My takeaways: First, "31" must be my magic number - didn't realize they were the same! LOL Second, I can't wait until I can say I've killed 100,000 people with a single profile! Not long now! :devil:
How many of those were conflict vs. team? Mine were 100% conflict.

Don't know exact numbers. Most of it would have been Heros, TC and Conflict. I don't use the other modes.

I had no idea I was on a streak to. I noticed in a video of mins that my win streak was 35, when I looked at it the next day it was on 78. So I assumed that streak was still going. I was so pissed not to get to 100 though, I was close to rage quitting becuase I lost to my teamates over hero spawning. (My score was 36-6!) I still have that pic too. :burgerking:
Note: If you quit a game for any reason, it won't break your streak. I NEVER do this...ever. I am sure you didn't either :thumbsup:
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Everone lets give a warm welcome to the newest member of our clan and our second member at level 56, erikthered. Welcome erik!
Hey erik! Welcome to E7! Nice to have a pseudo-56 on board! :thumbsup:
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KDRs don't mean anything. They can be forged

I wouldn't say they mean absolutely ****-all, but there's certainly some truth to that, KDRs aren't always the most accurate representation of skill. In Assassin's Creed: Revelations (yes, non-shooters keep track of KDRs these days too) my KDR has dropped considerably since I give few ****s anymore. I regularly trounce players with KDRs as high as twice mine when I decide to give a damn.

As RedCrow stated, game modes have a larger impact on your KDR than your skill vs. your opponents as well, be it 'cause better players play certain game modes more often, or certain game modes typically have ya dyin' more often.

I have a LEGIT win streak of 91 :ee5k: :ee5k:

... That's hardly possible in games without hackers 'n host quits, none the less GE. o_O Impressive.
That makes two people with red in their forumname.
Should we make ourselves a subgroup. Our own little niche?:devil:
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