007 Embassy [E7]: GoldenEye 007

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Not to mention the vargen extended mag reload glitch! No thanks. Got killed because of THAT too many times! I finished the prof's, and then stuck with terra, stauger, sig9, and shotty loudouts until I got the anova. For me, the anova was a true game-changer! Even the anova isn't one of the most popular guns in GE with everyone, but you have to admit, it is a HUGE upgrade over anything you had before...
Well, right now, no one in E7 is beating anybody...since the servers went all ka ka on us... I think the most devestating weapon this game has ever seen is Hurricane Sandy... killed everyone online... when this is all over, I'm gonna need to knock the rust off my ivana, kunara, RTM, LF, SS, Silencer loadout...hopefully sooner than later!

In other news...I think we REALLY need to get these E7-only "fun" matches underway when the server dust settles:
- shotty's only
- melee's only
- sniper's only
- explosives only
- etc... :thumbsup:
Agreeeeed 100% wish they had that choice of gameplay. When the servers are back up, we need to all get together and have matches like that. Like, 8 E7 members all in one room, doing awesome matches like that when im lvl 31, we should do a Kunara only match, and when im 51, Wolfe only match ;)
I really, really, like really, HATE THE VARGEN. I will run to the end ovf the world to not use it. It is big (it looks like a freck'in train), loud, takes a year to reload, inaccurate over 10 feet and has less damage them a Hawksman (really). A silenced Vargen needs SIX or SEVEN single bullets to hit to get a kill, the Strata, Ivana and Masterton can do it in three, in alomst on time. A Hawkman at close range can get a kill in 5 single shots... And it has a better ROF. It's also the worst Hero gun, sorry to any Vargen lover out there... But It has cost me so many 20 / 30 streaks I will never get to like it.

And can someone post of list of new members I have misse din the past week? I need to add them all on my E7 account.
comparing the varghen against the strata, ivana, masterton is a bit harsh.
i feel it is more fair to compare it against guns like kallos, terra, stauger, sigmus9.
And can someone post of list of new members I have misse din the past week? I need to add them all on my E7 account.

Yeah, I've got some new friends to add too...if I can just get passed the "Testing Connection..." screen... :rolleyes:

comparing the varghen against the strata, ivana, masterton is a bit harsh.
i feel it is more fair to compare it against guns like kallos, terra, stauger, sigmus9.

I compare the sound to a jackhammer, and the firing action to an electric nail gun...:lol:
Lol, you just made the gun you loath sound godly.

Have you ever tried firing an electric nail gun at a target more than 20 feet away??? It shakes and rattles like crazy unless you have it pressed directly on a surface! You couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with it!

Vargen = big, loud, clunky noisemaker!
Yea. I got on last night somehow, and i used it alot. i truthfully am starting to wonder why they gave me this gun as an upgrade? And the vargen would definately not be the worst hero gun. It takes 2nd worst, cuz the russian dudes Ak-47 is realllllllly bad. I can get 1 kill each time -_-
comparing the varghen against the strata, ivana, masterton is a bit harsh.
i feel it is more fair to compare it against guns like kallos, terra, stauger, sigmus9.

Why? It dosen't change how long it takes the Vargen to kill someone. And the Vargen is a T4 gun (4th gun you unlock in that class), so comparing it to T5 guns is allowed IMO :p

But I'll do it anyway... Then Terra can kill in five shots, Sig 9 is 5, Stauger is 4 and Kellos is 5 or 6. I have not looked at the stats for a while but I think that's right. But I know for a fact the Vargen takes the most shots (not inc. Sigmas and the AK).

Yea. I got on last night somehow, and i used it alot. i truthfully am starting to wonder why they gave me this gun as an upgrade? And the vargen would definately not be the worst hero gun. It takes 2nd worst, cuz the russian dudes Ak-47 is realllllllly bad. I can get 1 kill each time -_-

WHAT!! The Hero AK is AWESOME. It kills just as fast as a Strata (somehow) and is the best for killing 2+ people at once. Re-loads fast too. Try camping in Archives (at either spawn place) and you'll get at least 10 a time.
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