007 Embassy [E7]: GoldenEye 007

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Yeah, well I remember asking you, Ivany, to troll into the match when you came on. Then in the first game it added you to "team destruction" and I was like, "Oh no. Now that's not what I had in mind! Sh!t." But then it put you on my team in the next couple, and no it wasn't too bad then. Nice to have someone that "had my back." It was at least a "little" more competitive then! I always enjoy our games together! :thumbsup:
Yeah, well I remember asking you, Ivany, to troll into the match when you came on. Then in the first game it added you to "team destruction" and I was like, "Oh no. Now that's not what I had in mind! Sh!t." But then it put you on my team in the next couple, and no it wasn't too bad then. Nice to have someone that "had my back." It was at least a "little" more competitive then! I always enjoy our games together! :thumbsup:

Aww... you made me blush... LOL kidding. Thanks!
Xplo reminded me the other day about the 100k kill party that we talked about before...so...I think we should do it. Let's pick a time that a bunch of us E7's can get together to play the following games just for fun:
- Single-shot shotty only match
- Explosives only match
- Snipers only match
- Melee only match
- P99 only match
...and whatever else stupid-style of meaningless but fun match we can think of!
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Wolfe only?Crouch only?Hugging only match?(Blow ourselves up with grenades and try to kill others in the process)
- Grenade-only match is good...
- Agree with RedCrow; not enough people at 51 for a wolfe match...
- We could play "hide n' seek" tag: Everyone has a P99/stacked health & armor loadout. First person to be killed is "it." Only the person who is "it" can fire their gun. If they kill someone else, then that person is "it." Loser is the last person to be killed in the match. We could even play that melee only....Just an idea...
- I'm kinda keen on the noob tube, mines, grenades, LAOD match...potential for 7 kills in a life that way...unless you pick up other dead people's toobs...
MLG 360-no scope only.

No, I ain't mockin' the shootin' community. It's hilariously fun the first few times, trust me. ... 'Specially for the first to die. :ihih:
Welcome Delta! Everyone, please welcome one of our newest E7 members, Delta[E7]! Pleasure to have you! :thumbsup:
Ty ty, ;) anybody comin on GE? I already added EVERYBODY'S FC on the first page. Add mine, im at the top plzzzzzz. Also, an admin needs to add Kaporal[E7] to that board, Dread[E7], Pablo[E7], and Jacob[E7]. They are all from {LC} and have decided to merge with u guys =) so a total of +5 members =)
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Welcome Delta! To wiichat and E7 :). I'll add your friends, but can you ask them to send me their info(level, KDR?, FC, etc.).
I've added you to our group, Scott; please accept it when you get the chance, and look over the content. :) Thanks.
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