007 Embassy [E7]: GoldenEye 007

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WHAT!! The Hero AK is AWESOME. It kills just as fast as a Strata (somehow) and is the best for killing 2+ people at once. Re-loads fast too. Try camping in Archives (at either spawn place) and you'll get at least 10 a time.

Yeah, definitely agree. The hero AK is EONS better than the normal version, and fantastic for hip fire. I've had some of my longest hero kill streaks with that gun!
Yeah, definitely agree. The hero AK is EONS better than the normal version, and fantastic for hip fire. I've had some of my longest hero kill streaks with that gun!

Same here. That might be becuase of our experience though. Over 40 days play time over 5 accounts does take some dedication lol.

Also, when I log in it doesn't say 'unable to connect to server' it says 'you have been disconnection form nintendo Wi-Fi' So maybe it's working, and I'm not (inb4 that's what she said joke).
Nah, it's not working. I get the same message when my wii gets tired of giving me the "Testing Connection..." screen. As a matter of fact, I just got it again right now as I was typing this!

It's like repeatedly bangin' your head against a wall ---> :mad2:
I'm going out soon to see my team play Football, hope it fixes by tonight. I NEED MY FIX! I have never waited over a week to play :(
I mean since when I started playing, since my first game I have never waited more than a week. Even on my past holidays (I brought my Wii with me lol) I had time for 1 or 2 games a day. This was the forst time I couldn't bring me Wii with me. And when I left I had a funny feeling something would happen, and it did :(
OMG Too funny! You actually brought your whole Wii gaming console with you on vacation?! For real? Wow, and I thought I was committed! My wife would kill me if I tried to do that...
OMG Too funny! You actually brought your whole Wii gaming console with you on vacation?! For real? Wow, and I thought I was committed! My wife would kill me if I tried to do that...

It's just a holiday park in Devon, during the day at times there is not much to do so I brought my Wii with me. I'm only 18 but my Mum had no idea I had it, when I brought it out she wasn't happy lol.
The sigmus is the best gun in the game! Do you know how many people I can kill that are using a sigmus when I have a strata?!?! The sigmus' biggest weaknesses are its greatest strengths to me! hahahaha :devil: Vargen is number 2.
I mean since when I started playing, since my first game I have never waited more than a week. Even on my past holidays (I brought my Wii with me lol) I had time for 1 or 2 games a day. This was the forst time I couldn't bring me Wii with me. And when I left I had a funny feeling something would happen, and it did :(

You feel my pain, Yoshi... :'(

Won't lie, I would drag my Wii with me whenever visitin' a friend who didn't own one for some Brawl playin'. Never went over a week without some Brawl gaming neither for an entire three years. ... 'Till two years ago, when my Wii stopped playin' it. Haven't played it since.

Bloody sucks kickin' the habit of your most played game, don't it?
This is worse than quitting smoking! Actually, never had to do that, but I can imagine...my hands feel so empty without the wiimote and numchuck in them...wait...I'm not gonna go there...:ee5k:
007 Embassy folks:

Get ready for our "E7 Clan Fun Matches" once all this server nonsense is over!
- Pistols only
- Shotty's only
- Melee only
- Explosives only
- Snipers only

...as if you guys needed more fuel for the GE fire to get you more antsy about it coming back! I know I didn't! :thumbsup:
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