007 Embassy [E7]: GoldenEye 007

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basically what i typed in "should-ido-it-thread".
That i couldn't believe a clan member was using his clan account to boost, days after the clanleader made clear it wasn't allowed to do so with your clan account.
ofc. i had to eat up my own words seconds later after seeign that thread.
and realized it was all good.

Sorry man.
in my defense i did not actually use your name.

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Just wanted to remind everyone that there will be some practice matches tonight at 5 PM EST. Please be in our chatzy room at around 4:45 PM EST if you plan on participating. :)
I'll be there, but I won't be able to do my usual "6 hour long marathon" play. Wife and I need to be somewhere local by 6pm. But I should be able to get a couple of games in - provided we start on time :thumbsup:
I know you've been having difficulties, Roald, and I, of course, can't force you to join us on Chatzy, but it would be very informational if you do. All the planning and what to do will be on there when we all meet up.
I have so many FCs to add! Who's going to be on Saturday? That's my first full day back so I'll be on GE a lot. I'm having withdrawals lol.
RL is always more important.
That said, you missed ganging up on Tampa.

Maybe we should make that a weekly-thing?
That said, you missed ganging up on Tampa. Maybe we should make that a weekly-thing?

Yeah, 4 vs. 1 in Team Conflict is quite the challenge, especially against the best of E7! The "noob squad" on my team had no idea how to "fight together" and weren't even ranked high enough to have mines, and thus didn't even come close a 1:1 kdr in any of those matches! In my defense, I was actually holding my own in the "2 on 1" scenarios pretty well! I think the hardest part for me was that every time I emptied a clip into one or two of you guys, there were the other 2 coming up behind and nailing me when I had to reload! I was constantly taking fire from multiple directions! But it was still fun! I'd do it again, provided someone doesn't feel the need to "tube me from behind" like he did! *cough cough xplo cough* hehe :thumbsup:
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