007 Embassy [E7]: GoldenEye 007

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Hey, can I join?

IGN: Trevelyan (Lvl 43)
FC - 151739886145
Favourite Weapon: Anova DP3 w/ ACOG Scope

Treverlyan, i can see why you love the anova so much.
Everytime i unlocked it, after grinding my way to it with the sig9 and the terra, the first couple of games with it made me feel like a boss.
It is just that fast in compared to all that comes before.
Treverlyan, i can see why you love the anova so much.
Everytime i unlocked it, after grinding my way to it with the sig9 and the terra, the first couple of games with it made me feel like a boss.
It is just that fast in compared to all that comes before.
Yeah, I found it was perfect when I played in Heroes and I just find it so easy to kill and precise :)
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Yeah, I found it was perfect when I played in Heroes and I just find it so easy to kill and precise :)
It's a good gun but sometimes I'll stick with the terralite because it has no recoil. The annova on the other hand is little more than garbage for long range.
For my style of play, the anova suits me a lot better than the terralite. It is particularly better if equipped right for hip-fire battling.
Do you go with a Grenade Laucher attachment with the Anova? I use the Terralite because if I'm going with a Grenade Launcher loadout I'll likely be shooting in a more open map so I have accuracy at long distances.

Are you going to be online tonight? Or maybe the question should be, when will you NOT be online tonight. :thumbsup:

For my style of play, the anova suits me a lot better than the terralite. It is particularly better if equipped right for hip-fire battling.
Said like the Dos-Equiis guy:
"I don't always equip the grenade launcher, but when I do, it is on the anova so I can teach those masty-spamming noobs a lesson!"

You can equip it on both, but I personally prefer the anova over the terralite. All depends on your style of play and personal preference!

Not sure if I'll be on tonight or not. I've been playing pretty much all day again...and...umm...
...yeah, who am I kidding?! I'll probably be on later. The wife just got home and we need to go grocery shopping. Probably about 10pm EST-ish?
I prefer the anova, since i am a more or less close up kinda gameplayer.
Also the anova s one of the few guns with which the acog works for me.
The acog with the terra messes up my accuracy. better to go silencer, ... with it.
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