007 Embassy [E7]: GoldenEye 007

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kristianj9 and InSiiDiouS: I've sent you two an invite! Welcome, and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! We're happy to have you both! :)
kristianj9 and InSiiDiouS: I've sent you two an invite! Welcome, and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! We're happy to have you both! :)
Is there anything you would like to ask me? I was the best at drawing out strategies in the 56ers.
Is there anything you would like to ask me? I was the best at drawing out strategies in the 56ers.

Sure! Could you please provide all details and comprehensive team strategy layouts for all maps as commonly used by the 56ers clan, as well as detailed habits and tactics used personally by each member in general competition? ...hehehe :devil:

...yeah...not expecting much there! LOL

Sniping is fun on most maps in Conflict because you have 3 additional targets to choose from and you don't have to be so paranoid all the time. That is unless TampaBondo is in the game :ee5k:.

One of these days, I'll surprise you and NOT come after you at all...just to increase the paranoia even more!
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Thanks a lot guys!I do usually have a good game but On a bad day I don't usually play very well.. :/Anyway, I think my KDR is 1.17, but I'll have to check that.
I've noticed that most E7 members are by nature lone wolfs,
what i mean is whenever we play together in team modes, we don't really play as a team.
(with a bit of arrogance) We just each clean up our own section of the map and get the win that way.
I'm guessing when we hold a training session, we could work on that.

Problem is, i'm using the same cable for my computer, that i use for the wii.
So i can't skype/chat while gaming. (I don't think Goldeneye supports headsets)
I guess we can work out a shoot and point system.
Where you shoot i'll run ^^

If absolutely necessary, i'm willing to try and connect a second cable to my computer (if a can find a cable long enough).
No wireless internet though. That stuff drove me crazy.
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I guess we can work out a shoot and point system.
Where you shoot i'll run ^^

Team coordination is good, but... Don't rely on nothin' like that. I know from experience how "well" it works. :lol: Learnin' to do basic movement and supportive fire naturally is good enough in most shooters IMO.

If absolutely necessary, i'm willing to try and connect a second cable to my computer (if a can find a cable long enough).
No wireless internet though. That stuff drove me crazy.

Ya can get bloody 100 foot ethernet cables, longer even. If you're willin' t' spend enough money, ya can probably get a long enough cable. 'Less your router 'n whatnot are on the other side'a the house as well as on a different floor like my own abode's setup. :lol:
I'm currently using a 7.5meter long cable.
though put in such a way that it is hardly noticeable.
the second longest cable i've got though is only half that long or so.
i am pretty sure tampa is on.
I was playing with him on conflict not too long ago.
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I always laugh whenever I see someone post a comment that they "dommed" someone, and then tells them "GGs." It's kinda like "It was nice beating your ass! Better luck next time, sucka! Oh and btw, it was fun doing that to you, let's do that again!"
...idk...maybe I read too much into things :thumbsup:
Quite. The "GG" suffices moar than enough, otherwise that's venturin' into the territory of trollin'. No offense, Insid. :lol:

... Not that I have any issues with some playful [STRIKE]trolling[/STRIKE] tauntin' after a match with friends, rubbin' their terrible loses into their faces. I mean ****, that's what friends are for, yeah? :D
Today is the last time I can play for 8 days, going on holiday. As soon as I finish packing I'll get on, prolly for a few hours if someone wants to join.
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