Your characters

that is a pretty good list, you put good thought into this i can tell ;). I made a list back in the day, i will retrieve it or make a new one

However, just my opinon but... some of them... i don't think can/should make the cut... You don't need three chars from path of radiance, sure its an awsome game, but I would rather see, Soren and Boyd (on top of Roy and Marth)... the SSB serious has only been sword and hand, and mystic magicy stuff... lets get an AXE up in there! (yes others have bats/sticks (ness, your addition of Krystal)). Also i don't see FALCO! that is WRONG VERY WRONG!

In my opinoin if you have been in any SSB game you go to the next period dot end of sentence. lol... so you already have 25 chars (counting shiek and zelda seperate)

Heres a new list by me. hope you like it.

Doc. Mario
King K. Rule
Sonic/Knuckles (either/or wouldn't mind both though :) )
Capt. Falcon
Black Shadow
Ice Climber (might have to break the rule and cut them)
King DeeDeeDee (is that spelled right*)
Zero Suite Samus
Skull Kid
Y. Link
Pikachu (I would rather cut this one if I must, breaking the rule again)
Jiggly Puff
Mr. Game and Watch (I hate him, but... he is a good char...)
Soren/Erk (can't decide which i liked more... all though my Soren Maxed all states cept luck and strength with no items and health by 2 or 1 with one item :) he is so amazing especailly with adept and vantage omg rape!)
Boyd/Hector (either or... i already made a move set for Hector, its a few pages back :p)
Viewtiful Joy (that sounds like a good choice)

So wacha think?
Thats a nice list too, although I have never really been fond of Waluigi myself I dont really like the idea of him being in it. He tends to be in every Mario Party-type game.

I forgot to include both Falco and Ness, I didnt mean that. :rolleyes:

With the Fire Emblem characters, I was just trying to balance the mix of Hero and Villians. But yeah the idea of having someone like Hector in it to balance out having axes and other type of weapons is a good idea, damn I wish I thought of it sooner. :mad2: lol

I think that Louie + Olimar is great cause they could pluck Pikmin and throw them and have an 'army' with them. That would be funny...
Ash is not going to be in the game. No more pokemon or Professor Oak for that matter. Funny thing... last week a bunch of kids I see at YG told me that SSBB will have Professor Oak and Ash in it. I basically cracked up in their face and said nope no chances there.

I go to another forum and theirs is waaaay more updated on SSBB and stuff for the Wii because its a website dedicated to the SSBM professional community, not your standard gaming site. One person there has translated the creator of SSB franchise's web blog into English so that everyone is constantly updated on any changes that is happening with SSBB. He mentions Pit, Metaknight, an new approach mode and a more flexible aerial combat mode. He even hints Sonic but hasn't received any word from the Sega company about adding him to SSBB...
can we get that url?

ha yeah, the Olimar Luie thing could be good, but with the + do you mean like the ice climbers? thats why I dogged the idea, i don't really like that fighting style, however it is usefull if you master it.

If you have Wairo you have Walugie... always.. lol

Yeah, i see where your coming from with the whole hero/villian thing, but they're not really focusing on that... they want a good variety of chars and styles, hints an axe char... i mean, there are more the hector and boyd, there is also dorcus and the other dude from the first one on gameboy along with the ones from the second gameboy game... Or steer clear od that and go for even a diff route, like Mario RPG- Mallow and Geno (i think thats where they got Peach from :) not for sure though) ... there are SO MANY possible chars... you could think all week, and have a good list but you also need to keep it down, so you dont' get too much. you know?

Give me a week and i will see if i can get a better list, ohh and i will edit this with the url to my hector move set, i also have them for Zero (megan zero the gb game) Marth, and Falco (those are just alterations, i have yet to post Marths... whooopss).

I decided to repost the Hector move set.. whacha you think?

A,Ax2,Ax3- High-low, back up, Rotate around bringing axe back down
^A- Heavy upper Swing (front aoe only)
VA- Strong Lower Swoop (200 degrees of range)
<,>A- Horizontal Slash
Smash ^A- Small jump Heavy uppercut (360 degrees from shoulders)
Smash VA- Stab with point on tip of axe, Swing Violently backwards (tossing stabed foes)
Smash <,>A- Turn oppisite directino, Bull Rsh swinging downward
A(in air)- quick spin attack (360 degrees shoulders and below)
^A(in air)- Back flip, slash swoop with axe
VA(in air)- Quick downward stab with axe (spike)
<,>(in air)- Hard Jab with axe tip
B- Throw axe (like a handaxe)
^B- Collassus- Boyds special attack from F.E. Path of Radiance (spiral up slash down)
VB- Slam axe into ground causing earthquake (like Venausour but only once)
<,>B- Quick charge in either direction slamming axe from above head into ground
grapple- normal arm grab
A,B,Z- thrust shoulder into chest
^- use axe upercut upwards
V- slam into grond with axe
<- Bash in face, throw behind
>- Bull Rush into (should tackle)

Sorry for not having any %'s...
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Looks sweet to me, lol. Viewtiful Joe is one of my number one, if not the number one character I want in SSBB.
Linkjge said:
I want to see Totodile and grovyle for brawl so they can be playables .
I would love to see Megaman.EXE too.
:lol: Are you serious?? :lol: The only poke' (as a playable) addition I want is blaziken, he would own.
okay i haven't read all twelve pages of this huge friggin thread, and i'm not sure if anyone has already said this, BUT i think that:

Cloud Strife should be in SSBB! It would probably never happen, but damn wouldn't that be cool. Or perhaps Barret, even!
Swiftay said:
okay i haven't read all twelve pages of this huge friggin thread, and i'm not sure if anyone has already said this, BUT i think that:

Cloud Strife should be in SSBB! It would probably never happen, but damn wouldn't that be cool. Or perhaps Barret, even!

I didn't feel like reading it all too, and they'd be sweet. I also think Banjo-and-Kazooie would be sweet. Also, Kameo if they could work in some transformation(s). That game sucks, but she'd be sweet in it. Or, Legolas or Gimli, etc.
ThatGuy127 said:
I didn't feel like reading it all too, and they'd be sweet. I also think Banjo-and-Kazooie would be sweet. Also, Kameo if they could work in some transformation(s). That game sucks, but she'd be sweet in it. Or, Legolas or Gimli, etc.
No Lord of the Rings character (omg no), there's no possiblilty theyd be in it, plus they'd get owned.
I think a cool re-version of the ice climbers would be zatch and kio from "zatch bell!". I think that would be very cool. Agh, can't post anymore right now, I'll be back...:zzz:

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