Your characters

Yeah, I know they'd never be in it, but I just got done watching the trilogy (My Wii wasn't working and my house is boooooooring!) so I was kinda thinking about it then. And "No Anime characters (omg no)," I hate sucks.
ThatGuy127 said:
Yeah, I know they'd never be in it, but I just got done watching the trilogy (My Wii wasn't working and my house is boooooooring!) so I was kinda thinking about it then. And "No Anime characters (omg no)," I hate sucks.
I'm sry but...what the friggin hell is wrong w/ you?!?! :yikes: :eek: :yikes: :eek: Omg, I know that no anime is gonna be in Brawl (probably, maybe, but probably not) but I can't believe that you think it sucks! You're crazy. :crazy:
ssbb_lover said:
I'm sry but...what the friggin hell is wrong w/ you?!?! :yikes: :eek: :yikes: :eek: Omg, I know that no anime is gonna be in Brawl (probably, maybe, but probably not) but I can't believe that you think it sucks! You're crazy. :crazy:

That's my opinion and I am entitled to my own opinion. Just because you like anime doesn't mean I have to.
ThatGuy127 said:
That's my opinion and I am entitled to my own opinion. Just because you like anime doesn't mean I have to.
Oh no, that's not what I mean, I agree w/ you. It's just that I can't understand how you don't like anime, it's almost everywhere and most of it is really cool. :yesnod:

So....what do you like? *gulp* REALITY TV??? :yikes:
AHH! I hate reality TV. It's so stupid. I like other shows. But not anime. Or reality TV.
i just don't thinkg some ppl are thinking of how a char would work in the game, just thinking they would be a cool addition... you must also think of how they would be playable i mean seriously, orko (i love this little guy, but...) he barely does anything in He Man, he is the comic relief (i think i said this before...) or any he man char, first of the might have a totle of what 3 games max, and more than likely they flopped and weren't on a nintendo system, so they are 100% not going to happen, you would be lucky to see mallow or geno, and they were on SNES in Mario RPG (which is an awsome game!). If you look at my list a few pages back, it and others on it aswell are good, thought out lists, where they can actually see the chars and how they would be played... I have even gone as far as creating new move sets for old chars and creating my own for some choices of chars i would like to see, i would really like to see something other than a sword, for a primary weapon, lets get an Axe, Lance, Staff, Whip, BR (LMAO, Halo 2, sorry couldn't resist.), you get the point? make practical choices not jokes. Yes i know its a thread for a char you want, but also a char that is plausible for the game, i wouldn't want the game to be delayed because they can't think of a move set for crazy idea char, like ballon fighter, shy guy (yes he does have attacks, but seriously, from Mario RPG), or Truffle (the little green midget guy in the Zelda/Link Seriers) you get my point... I am sorry, but i have created a few games for my self to play (thanks to RPG maker) and they have been times when i think of about it, and there are many thoughts running through my head, and you HAVE to throw some out just because they CAN'T happen. Again, it is your oppion though, so lets get back to the forum, and get some more reasonable ideas out there.!
Aight then :)

OMG! My friend and I just thought of a char and now I can't remember who it was...I thought of an awsome moveset fpr him/her too...omg, I can't believe I can't remember.

Here's a SIMPLE moveset anyway for Blaziken. (this is simple, not a complicated one where you spend alot of time thinking up a huge amount of combos :p)

A + ^ Sky Uppercut
A + > or < Blaze Kick
A + v A Breakdance Type Move (you know what I mean ;) )

B + ^ Flamethrower
B + > or < Machine gun kick (the longer you hold it the longer it goes)
B + v Slide Kick

Z + A Knees them in the gut
Z + B Throws them back and tackles them
Z + ^ Throws them up, jumps, grabs them and crushes them into the ground (some of you may know this as seismic toss from poke'mon, or the Lotus [Rock Lee's move] from Naruto)
Z + > or < kicks them
Z + v throws em' down and then does a downard blaze kick into the earth

Taunt: Does the chicken dance and clucks :)

Special: Blasts them down into the core of the earth (being dramatic...) w/ a mega machine gun flamekick and then uses flamethrower down the hole.
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your missing a lot actually.. but its okay... here, you need the regular A combo so at least 3 A's, also air attackss, A, VA, ^A, <A, >A, you forgot throws too, what they do for a hit while grappled, V,^, <,> B by its self (unless that was your special, unless special was for Wii...) also, smash attacks too, you have tilt A's or Smash A's not both, you need the other set too... so all in all yeah, you forgot over half the moves... haha, if you need a referance i posted a move set for Hector not to far back :p
Air4ceSquirrel said:
your missing a lot actually.. but its okay... here, you need the regular A combo so at least 3 A's, also air attackss, A, VA, ^A, <A, >A, you forgot throws too, what they do for a hit while grappled, V,^, <,> B by its self (unless that was your special, unless special was for Wii...) also, smash attacks too, you have tilt A's or Smash A's not both, you need the other set too... so all in all yeah, you forgot over half the moves... haha, if you need a referance i posted a move set for Hector not to far back :p
Lol, I meant to put in my last post "basic moves". :lol: I know I was missing all that stuff (I saw your post for hector and it was...lengthy) :p

I admit I did forget the throwing though, here, i'll edit the post. :)
doctorecs said:
I would like to see toad and paper mario.
:shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked:

Are you....kidding me? How much would they suck? I would own them w/ Game & Watch or Pichu (sry for those of you that own w/ them, I just think they're sucky :p). I don't like anyone w/ short arms (exceptions are kirby and him only) or anyone that just flat-out would suck...I drew the line once they made Game & Watch...:sick:
Shadow mario? Nooo wayyy, he's lame. He's made of liquified paint it looks like. :sick: I've been trying to draw a "Dark Mario", he's actually pretty cool. I wish I could send him into Nintendo and they'd put him in Galaxy or Brawl (or both :p )

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