What pokemon characters would you like in Brawl

I would like Gengar, that psychic/ shade or watever it is.
Or Blaziken he would be a good player in that game to.

Does anybody know when the game excactly comes out? I know it comes out in 2007.
I'm not a pokemon fanatic, but Blaziken (don't flame me for the spelling!) would be a nice addition.
Wii_THEMiracle said:
I would like Gengar, that psychic/ shade or watever it is.
Or Blaziken he would be a good player in that game to.

Does anybody know when the game excactly comes out? I know it comes out in 2007.

My guess it'll come out Late 2007
charizard would be cool in Brawl, just use flamethrower and firespin:mad5:
i think that rayquaza would be a good one to bring in, but as an unlockable character
Link_of_Hyrule said:
screw it add them all lol
lmao that'd be fricken awesome, have like 2/3 you can pick from at the start, then the rest have as unlockables..damn you'd be unlocking for a long time.

Shame that would never happen though. I'd like to see Elekible and Aruseus, an maybe a few of the old school Pokemon.
Koffing would be cool 'cause he could float and spew stuff and piss people off and stuff. (Weezing is a pokeball item, so HA! Oh wait, Koffing was in the N64 SSB, so never mind yous)
ya i agree no more pokemon, maybe one more. I just want all the clone characters out or change there moves.

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