Your characters

What the crappington K.Rool would be the best of the bestest in Brawl! Rayman.... MMM i dunno.... I really have no opinion on him, if hes in it thats good but if his not its no great loss
probablly not...seeing as she was only a secret character in ff7...Cloud has a much better chance and its very doubtful hes guna be in it so probablly not. Plus she would just be a hotter version of Sheik.
Vemonous Dot said:
Here's a couple of characters I'd like to see:
Diddy Kong
Isaac (Golden Sun)
Megaman (3rd party character)
MAYBE Dark Samus (that makes three of her though, even though Dark Samus is a doppelganger)
dark samus would be like a clone and that would make me go into a corner and eat some rocky road from baskin robins.:crazy:
asdfghjkl said:
dark samus would be like a clone and that would make me go into a corner and eat some rocky road from baskin robins.:crazy:
That was his point, he said that it would be a doppleganger, or an exact replica in every way (which he was not sure he wanted).

Rayman, like most everyone else has said, fun to have him, but if he's not there it's not that big of a deal.

K. rool...a good addition, he would be very fun to play as. It would be difficult to come up w/ a moveset for him...but, if they did include him I would be happy.

I think they should add maybe 2 (or 3) more pokemon and take out Pichu, plz nintendo give him the boot!:mad5:

I think that the Diddy + Dixie idea is actually really good. If you could come up w/ a good moveset I would play as them a good amount.
I'm sure they're thinking about it, everyone loves the huggable hard as a rock creatures (hugging rocks? wtf?) Zora's are pretty neat as well, I don't they should add them on as characters though. Like you said, probably items.
wow, again a long time since i posted, wow... yeah, i still haven't posted the new move set for Marth, sorry ganon, and wolf. I have been a very busy person lately with the Air Force and all, you know... I no longer have a gamecube, i broke it... in a running riot in my room from getting really mad at halo, i lost it... haven't done somthing like that since like 5th grade... wow... but yeah, i have am having a SSBM get together this weekend, so i will see how my friends are coming with their training, see if they can beat me when i am cold. ha, not likely, i get warm in like 1 min...

Question, which is better to use for SH x/y or up on the joysitck? i have been using x/y and have gotten pretty profiecient with it... any suggestions?
X/Y is better for most jumps (especially shorthops). However, the joystick is good for a few jumps attack combos (IE Marth Fair, Fair, Dair combo or Nair Fair combo).

Also another question - which button do you guys prefer with X/Y and why? I use Y as it fits my hand more comfortably than X and in that case I can easily move my thumb off Y to the C stick more than the X button.

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