World At War Sucks


Nov 4, 2007
i mean.. first call of duty i got for wii was reflex. i played it for 4months straight and was terrific.
so then one day i was like..i wonder what WaW is like. so i buy it.
right away i noticed the hit accuracy was way off.. its either the lag or just not correctly made because reflex is much more wiimote accurate.
also a bunch of matches ends early because host cancelled game.

and ok..ok.. so if im getting owned then thats fine but THE DOGS..MY GOD
they came at you no matter where you hide and they are FKN hard to kill!
dogs are overpowered and matches end 30 to 2 ALL THE TIME.

oh and the graphics are weak.

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you mean the grenade gun attachmant(noobtube)? yea that shits a ***** but at least i can still win because my aiming is good.
I meant guns like the M16 and all those assault rifles, they're extremely over powered it's ridiculous.

overpowerd weapons ARE GREAT out with the OLD and in with the NEW

i especailly HATE! THE THOMPSON
first time i heard the name it sounded like a faggot GUN.
Over Powered weapons = For the kids who think they're good.

What are you an old man that likes to live it like back in the old days with baby powdered guns, well geuss what there are more people who like CoD 4 more than WaW on any game system thats why cod 4 was once befor game of the year

Now go on WaW and Suck on your Thompson Old Fart Fag
Look theres you rifle naders on noob tubers on MWR.......They suck on the .30 cal. rounds from my PTRS-41 on WaW........they suck on the .50 cal. rounds from my Barrett on MWR all-in-all idk.

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