Tips/Hints: Call of Duty World of at War On-line multi-player

How do youu hack


if u hack your wii u do 1 thing wrong it will destroy and completly terminate your wii beyond repair plus that then causes the warranty to become void so, DON'T TRY 2 HACK!
once u unlock overkill what r the 2 best weapons 2 have i use a mp40 and m1carbine

Are you talking about Hardcore or normal TDM? In HC my class is M1 Garand w/ scope overkill thompson aperture sight, bandolier, and second chance.

For the guys that don'y know me I haven't been here since december last year, I've moved to for some real competition. Some of you guys have probably seen me play :p
The easiest guns to kill with are MP40 and Gewher with a rifle grenade attachment. I recommend using neither because it ruins the game for everyone else. Also if you do use them, be prepared to get a taste of your own medicine.

A good gun in HC that I use is STG-44 w/ aperture sight for the best accuracy, medium range, medium fire rate, large clip, medium reload time. *Note* If you use double tap with this gun, make sure you have bandolier as your 1st perk. My personal favourite gun is the M1A1 Carbine. I can use it from short to medium range because I've taught myself to spaz my trigger finger to have an extremely high fire rate.

So to answer your question, you can use w/e gun you want, if you practice with it, that gun will be equal to eveyone else's best gun (even if it's a springfield with no attachment).
I'm Dr.J

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Even though I play Cod quite a bit, it never hurts to still check out tips like these, thanks.
I am new to the Call of Duty on-line world and have a very basic noob question;
How do two people in the same house play against each other in multiplayer mode?


frind codes add these

everone add these freind codes!!!
this is (NRW) we want anyone to add us and checkout our website!!!!!!!!!!
we need players who just want to play we are not pickey lol hehe

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