Tips/Hints: Call of Duty World of at War On-line multi-player

ive got loads of friends but none of them play much
details about me.
country: England
MW and WaW name: 21egroeg
When i play: 4-6 (usually)
MW lvl: 2 prestige lvl 46 / WaW lvl ?? dont know as i dont play much but just got bouncing bettys
glitches: lots of glitches there is 1 really cool 1 but u need to be my friend first.(MW glitches only)
MW K/D: 0.94 WaW K/D: O.75 around there i think
MW kill streak: 26 or 25 ive forgoten i think 26 mostly. WaW kill streak: around 11 i think
avg. kills a game: mw:15 WaW:10
favourite game type:MW 1st headquarters,2nd search and destroy and 3rd sabotage WaW: all
MW fc : 288918748850
if any1 wants more info about me pm me or if you want to be my friend pm or email me at and tell me your info

preferably email please...... but dont mind pm.
okay remember all this. :yesnod::yesnod::yesnod::yesnod::yesnod::yesnod::yesnod::yesnod::yesnod::yesnod::yesnod:
level 24 you get betties.

and no offense but on the wii, you should have a better k/d.
yeah but i just got da game so no i am not joining your clan
Just got the game and your halfway through 2nd prestige? You don't get there quickly unless your good, and your kd says otherwise. I didn't want to start an arguement, so sorry for being a bit rude.

edit: It's not my clan. I rarely play on the wii now. In fact theres a new website, so I should go change my sig...
Ok, I've been playing the PS3 since late July now and have sadly abandoned the wii. However, for a laugh I decided to go back on tonight, and 1st game back i get 23-2. cool, good start. next game (tdm) 52-5 wtf? then 4 the next 6 games i played i got about 30-4 on average. What I am trying to say is, are people playing this really that bad, or have i somehow improved (?) or was that just a bunch of poor players?
if anyone wants help just add me
i know glitches that can make ur waw playing better
make sure u have a class with a machine gun(with bipod), bazooka, flak jacket, and extreme conditioning!
Anyone wants to play in 2021? World at War works with Wiimmfi Network
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Really Hyped to Re-live the game on wii with some friends

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