The Next Gen Console Graphics War


Nov 16, 2006
HydePark, Utah
Wii Online Code
Well, just about every gamer today buy there console according to graphics power and how many polygons can be rendered to the screen in a second. Well im here to clear up some mist in the air about the wii's graphics card having low at graphics capabilities, im a C++ programmer that has had experience in 3D game programming by using bolth DirectX and OpenGL.

Let me first start off by saying that the wii's graphics card isnt bad, not bad at all. For my example take a look at some games like Call of Duty 3, Metroid 3, Striker (even though it may not sound like it, that game uses alot of particles which need to be rendered every frame.

Ok, so your thinking "ok shutup and tell me already why my wii's graphics card dosnt suck", well ok, the reason it dosnt suck is because nintendo intended on using the card only for rendering use. Ok right now your probably like, "WTF!!! i thought thats all the graphics card was about, rendering, render, render, render!!! My whole life is a lie now :( !!!". Well its not, the other function the GPU utilizes it 3D Math.

Now getting to some point, lets talk about the GPU and 3D Math. Every time you want to move an object in the game world, you have to use math, every time you rotate an object, you have to use math, every time you scale an object, you have to use math, every freakin time you do something in the game world or in any program YOU HAVE TO USE MATH! Now you ask why i say "You have to use freakin math" every second in this paragraph? Well the reason is that math is a killer on any microprocessor, especially 3D math.

Now where getting some where, ok so now you know that Nintendo only meant to use the graphics card for rendering polygons to the screen, and that you have to use math for everything about 3D space and that it hard on a microprocessor. So where are we getting with this? If nintendo dosnt use there GPU for math where do they do there math? Well all of these questions are about to be asked.

Ok, so, your wondering where Nintendo is going to use there Math now eh? (no im not cannadian) Well there going to use the CPU, and you ask why? Well because the CPU is faster then the GPU at almost every criteria, but it comes at the price, you will have to use assembler (if you dont know what that is, its a programming language that you use to directly give the CPU instructions).

Ok so where is this all heading? and Why dont other companies like Sony and Microsoft use this same technique as nintendo and just use smaller GPU's?

Well, the reason Microsoft and Sony dont use this technique is because they are lazy and same with there developers. Especially Microsoft (not saying that just because im on a wiichat forum, its the truth, get over it), DirectX uses the slowest math functions and structures you could imagine, assembler code is alot faster then DirectX functions and math structures.

Ok so im kinda getting the point but where dose this lead to a conclusion? Well to answer that my dear friend, let me start by asking this, even though the wii's GPU is small, havnt you noticed that alot of games out there can actually compete in graphics (e.g. Call of Duty 3)? If the answer is yes then think about all that i have said about, it will come to you.

So in all you have learned that 1) your wii's GPU dosnt suck, it was just meant for rendering polys to the screen. 2) Everythang about a game takes math and its hard on any microprocessor. 3) Sony and Microsoft are lazy and use easy math function that are slow, and because there developers are lazy , they have to have bigger GPU's to handle the math.

Now this thread isnt ment to be a flame war, and im not says "Hey the Wii's Graphics card is better then the Xbox 360 and the PS3's", so NO FLAMING AT ME OR ANY ONE THAT REPLIES TO THIS POST!!!.

Thank You, if i have got any of my facts wrong please reply and correct me by PMing me.

Nice read.

Hate the fact that theres so much math involved as Im thinking of going in the direction of 3d games and building tham next year in my study. But I SUCK at math:(
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Ya, i hate the math involved also, but its just part of the fun of making a game :p :lol:
Interesting read. I also remember reading one article a little while back that said the Wii is not using its full graphical prowess.

So can't wait to see what the very near future looks like, as the future already is lookin' good, Galaxy, Corruption and Brawl look great.
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press the green mushroom under my name if you liked my post :smilewinkgrin:
Yeah you are right about Sony and developers being lazy. I am starting to think EA is extremely lazy with their Madden line god, I can't believe people still buy that crap.
Lol bigwilliiy too lazy to read? well yeah I think some devolopers are beening lazy or they just want to release it during the holidays so sales goes up

Very Nice Information Though

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