WiiChat Nostalgia

I remember when people lost faith and left and the site slowed down a bit
I remember when people lost faith and left and the site slowed down a bit

...........and never picked up to the same speed it once went. Wiichat is like an old car. It still runs and is reliable to get from point A to point B...but its nothing that nice anymore.
I remember when people lost faith and left and the site slowed down a bit

...........and never picked up to the same speed it once went. Wiichat is like an old car. It still runs and is reliable to get from point A to point B...but its nothing that nice anymore.

Oh hai, BRizer. =)

I've only been here a year and a half, and I clearly see how Wiichat's gone downhill. When I first joined, you'd see a thread bumped in New Posts every five seconds, an intelligent post or otherwise.

Now things are just... slow. And as everyone's been discussing, more than a handful of the good members became much less active, or left altogether.

In short,

Bodine said:
I miss the good ol' days :/
I see a lot of people (myself included) in this thread whining about a lack of intelligent content on this forum, yet no one's contributing any.
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  • #171
This is where somebody says something smart.

Life is like a circle. You feel like a hamster?
This is where somebody says something smart.

Life is like a circle. You feel like a hamster?

Ha. Very awesome. I can understand both the point of nobody posting anything intelligent and the point of us needing to contribute for that to be saved. Personally I don't think it's THAT bad though it has it's moments...I just miss the old members. I see AndThen? and Tyler are still around though, and Fox and Foxy are old members that I recognize that have just had name changes =P
I see AndThen? and Tyler are still around though, and Fox and Foxy are old members that I recognize that have just had name changes =P
Ha, my visits have been scanty of late. Attempting to fix that, but school isn't helping.

Definitely miss the old Wiichat that had me coming back day after day, countless hours a day, but life goes on.
I see AndThen? and Tyler are still around though, and Fox and Foxy are old members that I recognize that have just had name changes =P
Ha, my visits have been scanty of late. Attempting to fix that, but school isn't helping.

Definitely miss the old Wiichat that had me coming back day after day, countless hours a day, but life goes on.

For sure, remember when we used to sign on every single morning to talk about Sakurai's newest post on the Brawl site? *sighs* Do you still keep in touch with any of the other members from back then like Leves or...well, any of the Pikacheeses? XD
I try to speak to gikoku but he's on very little now. There's a few on msn.
^Yeah the graphics section is mostly dead due to a few missing members.

Might as well have it all as one section again
Yeah, shame about all the active members that left. Fr., CGAW, Lewi, Gikoku, Prez, Trulen (although he recently posted an intro thread), LevesqueIsKing (I think that's what the name was), and a couple others who have moved to other forums.

Appropriate song for the times: Glory Days by Bruce Springsteen. ;)
Brawny, Nick, Rob, Dasher and Prancer... :/

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