The War on Terror

Skippy if u read wat i wrote i said "keep the rich, RICH". And as for the US running low on oil, umm yes we are just walk to ur gas station and take a look at that price. Here check this out...Oil Concern
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Not my cup of tea for a debate thread, but it will have to do.

LOL @ 5 brits being the first responders and aiming it at America...

You people think of the government as a "thing", which is easier to tie "evil" to... When you get down to it, the government is made of a liquid people.... Ever say all the gov't is corrupt, EXCEPT for the one senator that shook your hand last summer...he's okay... Now, when you say the same thing in all fifty states, can't you see how weird that looks?

The one thing I DO hate, is Democrats and Republicans alike (A new thread on the bipartisan system in America being tamer than any other European country would be fun) both call The war in Iraq, the war on terror. Honestly, the state of terrorism in Iraq wouldn't be as bad with Saddam still in power. We went to Iraq to get rid of saddam and his WMD's. (which I believe the government believed they had.) We went to Afganistan to get rid of Terrorism not get the two mixed up.

And shut up about oil dammit.
Bliss said:
Skippy if u read wat i wrote i said "keep the rich, RICH".

And like I said, they're not in danger of losing their wealth, even if the war never started.

And as for the US running low on oil, umm yes we are just walk to ur gas station and take a look at that price.

So if the war was for oil, why aren'y we all swimming in cheap Iraqi oil?

What we have a shortage of is refining capabilities. No one wants any refineries built nearby and as soon as one goes down, gas prices jump.

Here check this out...Oil Concern

That's talking about OPEC production (which they can raise or lower at will). That's all middle eastern oil and has nothing to do with the amount of oil under American soil.
reading this thread has made me believe you guys are all liberal democratic bush haters. from that one sentence you think I like bush, well yes I do. I'm happy that he put troops in Iraq. i'm not very satisfied the way he got them there but it was the right move. now all you people are going to say well Iraq had nothing to do with it, it was Al Qaeda. Well we have them assholes everywhere even in the United States. I guarantee that if Kerry's pussy ass was elected we would of been attacked again, because he would of took the force away.

anyways today in school we watched a whole 9/11 tribute and the spanish and mexicans stations got like right under the towers and filmed the people falling and splatting against the ground, it was sick and very disturbing.
It's not an issue of being a "pussy", it's an issue of focus and intelligence. I don't think Kerry would have removed the soldiers. The pit was dug when Mr. Bush sent them in. The issue now is how to solve all the problems THAT caused.
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Personally, I think half the problem is that America lately has had more wars based on abstract concepts rather than physical foes.

Take for example, the war against communism. Then there's the whole "war on drugs". Now there's a war on Terror. The only way to win such wars is to wipe out everyone that holds a specific view. That includes people in your own country with those views. Likewise, wiping out people with those specific views also martyrs those that are killed.

War on Cummunism. Gives people the message that to survive, you'd have to either go Capitalistic, or brand together to form a community to counteract Capitalism.

War on Drugs. Makes people aware of drugs, more constantly, and since we can sometimes tel when we're seeing propoganda (like with Pot), it spikes our interest.

War on Terror. Makes people realise that it's either joining people going into other countries and bringing democracy through gunpoint, or having your own ideals and spreading that at gunpoint.

Personally, I feel that an era of peace is needed, but as long as Western Governments can control societies with fear, that won't happen.
Tails McCloud~ said:
It's not an issue of being a "pussy", it's an issue of focus and intelligence.
kerry is what he is, bush made that right decision, you just cant get through your young minds because you think how your parents think.
lol @ Blankconnection

First off, i'm an adult, I make my statements based on what I think, not my parrents.
Secondly, you saying that is only speculation. You didnt even adress anything else I posted. How do you know anything about me or my parents?
Since you make false statements like that, why should I even bother reading you're angry reply?

Bystander - "Good question, Fox!"

@Squall - I agree. America, ATM, has this thing about flexing their military muscles at whatever they dont like. It's kind of annoying.
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blankconnection said:
kerry is what he is, bush made that right decision, you just cant get through your young minds because you think how your parents think.
:wtf: Are you saying that anyone in their right mind, and that is also intelligent would automatically vote for Bush?

I suppose there has been a wave of Bush-bashing, especially from the young, but to say that it's basically indocrination is kinda missing the point on what Bush is as a President - a gung-ho, dogmatic and deceitful man. Take for example
"The way to meet this challenge of energy and global climate change is through technology, and the United States is in the lead".

1. The United States has yet to really step up to the Global Warming issue.
2. I think Japan may actually have more advanced technology.
well unlike tails im only 14 yers old that means i was 8 when this tregedy happend, i remember it like it was 2 minutes ago, i was eating cereal when mom turned on the tv and then the right away called my aunt, they talked how it was a miracle of god that she wasnt in there, because she worked there but was fired 6 weeks ago, she used to work on the north tower 31st floor, she had surgery on her legs so most likely she wouldnt of made it out alive, well anyways, i went on with my day and was taken to school, dad seemed really worried, he kept looking up into the sky(im guessing he was looking for an air raid" well when i got there my father went to pick my sister up from new york who was working there at the time, once i was at school all the tvs were on and tachers were crying and trying to explaine to us what really happened, a couple hours after me and the rest of the school watched, screamed and awed at the sight of watching the south tower collapse, , then the north.........about 30 mins later my sister came and took me away from school to take me home, but first we went to a park infront of our house where you could see the new york skyline perfectly, we had people on our roofs and about 100 people outside our house video taping, the smake was so scary to me all i could do was hide behind my sister..............a couple months later my whole family decided to move from new jersey to canada, but even tho im hundreds of miles away, the pain is still there 6 years later
Tails McCloud~ said:
lol @ Blankconnection

First off, i'm an adult, I make my statements based on what I think, not my parrents.
Secondly, you saying that is only speculation. You didnt even adress anything else I posted. How do you know anything about me or my parents?
Since you make false statements like that, why should I even bother reading you're angry reply?

Bystander - "Good question, Fox!"

@Squall - I agree. America, ATM, has this thing about flexing their military muscles at whatever they dont like. It's kind of annoying.
respected from now on, this was not pointed directly to you anyways tails
Well on the subject of Iraq and the goverment. I think the real question now is not what Bush is rambling on about "victory in Iraq" but how to get out?? I don't see any ideas of how to win other than calling up the draft, and I would hate it if that happened.

Here's Dick Cheney in 1994 about Iraq. See how his opinion's changed.
I appologize
Sorry for getting worked up (been awhile since someone acted like an adult in an argument with me so my guard was up high:sick: )

I am aware that most of America is behind Dem. atm because they are thinking that this is all Bush's fault. If you ask me, it isnt, but there could have been a better way to handle it. Honestly, I think we jyst need something refreshing...
The media is inherently POWER bashing... This year it's bush. 2 years from now, it'll be whoever the Democratic winner is (not much faith in Republicans this election)... 10 years ago it was the OTHER

I think my post went unread... the government is fallible.... They are not allowed to change thier stance as quickly as it's constituency is though. 90% of Americans wanted to invade Afganistan and supported Iraq. Now it's "cool" to bash bush after he went along with the public.

And for democrats.... :nonod: @ withdrawal.

@ Friendly fire haters (I'm looking at you canadians).... the percentage is high because the overall casualty number is quite low.

Let's see.... 600,000 US! casualties in one bats an eye.

3800 in Iraq....Hrm.....

In the words of stalin
A single death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic

Edit: to agree with tails, not bush's fault, he's just the scapegoat, it helps that he SOUNDS like a blithering idiot. (but in actuality, can pwn most reporters)
I am not a supporter of Mr. Bush though. I dont think he deserves AS MUCH criticism as he gets, but there are still some fishy details about the way he has been acting, (levys (spell?) taxes, military budget, bills sliding, etc)