WiiChat Nostalgia

can anyone remember what the site looked like before the update?
I do. I like it much better. The profiles were way cooler, and they were much more personalizes

Sigh...wish more members would come back.
Why don't we focus about getting new members instead?
you weren't around at the time so you wouldn't really get it but this site used to be filled with a lot of greats unlike now when its a few greats being overun by hundreds of code noobs and fanboys. the Brawl section for example was filled with players of beyond CK skill like PrinceLink or Spiff-SSBB. a lot of really great people and most started leaving and then the big crash put the nail in the coffin.

yes new members are important but i'd rather get the old greats back first
I remember spiff-ssbb
He was great.
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Jenova disappeared with his online bunny girl. >:U

He is missed. Still on MSN occasionally, though.
Anyone remember Jreb? He was pretty good at brawl. As well as Jacob, Allan, and some others that I forgot. I just had so many FCs.
Princelink and me use to trained our DKs. It was fun :D
Excessive, idiotic work does that, Jammison. My apologies love.

But you're always here on Wiichat now, there's something you're not telling us.
I feel rude disappearing for several minutes at a time on IMs. :[ You guys are too distracting. :p I don't have to worry about that with forums.

Matt and I have an idea for a big revival of the Design Lounge, but by all means, get the place kickin' if you'd like buddy.
O Hi wiichat!

hmmm I had to google what Nostalgia meant but I think I got the jest of it....

Ya I remember all the good times at wiichat. I remember how I started out in the big hype of brawl and then was there for its rise and downfall.

And most of all I remember the lounge. o_O O its political debates, drama, humor and most of all its members.

Yep good times on this site. Good times.

And I still remember all of you too!! As I read these posts it seems like all those years, months, days, and hours i spent posting here actually did something lol.

I'ma gonna off see some stuff and see if I can remember more!

*Is off to see old threads*
Oh the memories. Does anyone remember when Leves and I were at each others' throats and then suddenly became good friends? And how everytime we went a little off topic in the Brawl Site Discussion Prez would lock it or delete lots of posts? But then Prez turned out to be cool despite that? Oh man so many memories in the Site Discussion but alas, it's all gone.

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