Who are the persons you PM the most in Wiichat???

No clue who I've PM'ed the most in like a year. Recently (aka 5 secs ago) was Gymdawg and Cpt.McCloud :] generally.. probabli ssbb_lover. Most enthralling PM's between me and Eziekel88 (sp?). True story :]
I defiatly PM

Tyler the most
then in second jill
then third demonflair
then third is wiired/wii_smurf

I havnt pm'd lee for a while. . .
I have been messaging Projection, hotpotato78 and someone else I can't remember at this moment, for a while now.
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Byuakuya said:
I have been messaging Projection and someone else I can't remember at this moment, for a while now.


we used to PM alot
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I also receive and send PMs from the people who requested me to do a sig, and those are a lot of people, I clear my PM box every days, because I get it full all the time.
i get profile comments like every day from brawny lol

then demonflair asking me random questions and jam asking me if i know anything new lmao. then i get syntax telling me about pokeheads and thats about it LMAO

i get ALOT of complaints my way....sh*t which reminds me, i gotta answer a few....grrrrrrrrrrr

im so behind here! :(
The_Loose_Cannon said:
i get profile comments like every day from brawny lol

then demonflair asking me random questions and jam asking me if i know anything new lmao. then i get syntax telling me about pokeheads and thats about it LMAO

i get ALOT of complaints my way....sh*t which reminds me, i gotta answer a few....grrrrrrrrrrr

im so behind here! :(

-Points and laugh's at jill-

get ya act together luv:lol:

You work too hard. . .

I think i might help you work harder now by sending a few pm's:lol:
The_Loose_Cannon said:
i get profile comments like every day from brawny lol

then demonflair asking me random questions and jam asking me if i know anything new lmao. then i get syntax telling me about pokeheads and thats about it LMAO

i get ALOT of complaints my way....sh*t which reminds me, i gotta answer a few....grrrrrrrrrrr

im so behind here! :(

I sent you a PM a few days ago and you didnt reply:(
Byuakuya said:
Yeah we used to PM each other a lot as well. But I was thinking of someone else who I sent a message to recently. But yeah, our PMs were funny.

Damn you! You have never sent me a private message :mad5:
I've been PMing Byuakuya. Mainly because he's the only person I know on this forum and he's a great guy who kicks ass!
Projection said:
I've been PMing Byuakuya. Mainly because he's the only person I know on this forum and he's a great guy who kicks ass!


I wouldnt put it that way but yeah byuakuya is cool, i PM him alot:D

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