Wii vs PS3

360 for the serious, competitive gamers

Wii for the fun, social gamers

PS3 for the rich, ignorant gamers
Jorge said:
Ever since Dead Rising the 360 has caught my eye. I'd love to get one, but the Wii is more important.
dead rising is one reason im getin a 360:smilewinkgrin:
What most people dont realize is that every person has different tastes in games, for people who like fantasy Adventure games and innovated games go with the Wii, you like Gun games go 360 and if you like games like Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy and Devil May Cry go PS3. Right now the 360 has the most games for the Teens/young adults while the Wii has games more for kids/teens but by this christmas the Wii will be more for Family/Teens/young adults with games like Super Smash, Manhunt, Metriod and No more hero's. (a mix of kids games, teen games and young adult games)
The only reason I don't have a PS3 is because it costs too damn much. Even though I've spent more than that on the Wii..

I really want a 360, I want some of these new games coming out, especially Tom Clancy's Advanced Warfighter 2.
PS3 smacked down the little respect I had for sony, for last year's console war, we nintendo fans sufferd, but the gamecube was a ski8pped console now people are fidning its power. (thank god the DS boosted sales back up, being the top selling gaming item in the market) Sony coverd us up and nintendo was put to the side. But wii live! Wii will never give up! wii will win! becasue wii are the champions!!!! :yesnod:

PS3 is a 600$ paperweight It was such a stab in the heart to sony, cranking out crap with nowere to go. Wii won this year, VG charts(trusted site) says wii is about to 5.49 million sold, PS3 is a misrable 2.56. The PS2 was OK im a 110% nintendo fan so yeah im biast by far.

ezermb said:
the ps3 is sooooo much better i love mine but the wii i like playing too!

Theres nothing good about it, gaming library ploped to nintendo, with over 20 years of games, gamecube and wii games nintendo has your librar, and FF games, and you have nothing. Wii can go online, Wii is cheap, Wii has controler, Wii has franchise, Wii has great games, and wii win :thumbsup:
Wiitendo said:
Theres nothing good about it, gaming library ploped to nintendo, with over 20 years of games, gamecube and wii games Nintendo has your librar, and FF games, and you have nothing. Wii can go online, Wii is cheap, Wii has controller, Wii has franchise, Wii has great games, and wii win :thumbsup:
Wii is cheaper(And still great ^^), easier to use, and one touch and it becomes a world of fun. It doesn't require much to learn how to play! ^_^:wink:
It so easy to pick and play and you don't need to learn the controls. The PS3 is huge and in control and way too expensive. (Can anyone tell what I'm quoting of a bit?)
But seriously. Wii wins. :cornut:
Overruled. ^^:hand:
Wii has the best gameplay by far...And the Wii games are for hardcore players too...
FlashStar said:
Wii is cheaper(And still great ^^), easier to use, and one touch and it becomes a world of fun. It doesn't require much to learn how to play! ^_^:wink:
It so easy to pick and play and you don't need to learn the controls. The PS3 is huge and in control and way too expensive. (Can anyone tell what I'm quoting of a bit?)
But seriously. Wii wins. :cornut:
Overruled. ^^:hand:
is this what your quoting from? lol!

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Bryan_ said:
The only reason I don't have a PS3 is because it costs too damn much. Even though I've spent more than that on the Wii..

I really want a 360, I want some of these new games coming out, especially Tom Clancy's Advanced Warfighter 2.

u can get tom clancys advanced warfighter on the ps3. its comming out soon this year

Just one question and the next person who posts has to anser this
ITS STUPID, whats the difference beside the name, the look and the graphics
between PS2 and PS3.

MGS4, DMC4, et al. Don't ask me, it's what the Sony fans say. The PS3 will get some great games. The problem is that the PS3 might become the next Gamecube. Super Smash Bros Melee didn't help Nintendo much, so really why should MGS4 help much?
I'll admit that from a technical standpoint the PS3 is a great piece of technology. I take great gameplay over graphics any day, but even I have to admit the PS3s graphics look very nice. There are also a lot of my favorite series on PS3... MGS, Socom, RE and so on. But it's just so damn expensive. I was at EB buying SSX blur and some kid came in to buy an extra controller.....50 bucks!!!!:yikes: I went to EB.com and they don't even sell the Sony ones online.

I love my Wii, but I might get a PS3 in two years when the price goes down, that's what I did with the PS2. Not until then though.
To bad mouth one system or another would simply be ignorant. Nobody can deny that all of these systems are amazing. I personally own a PS3 and a Wii. I have owned a Playstation since they first came out and have stayed with them ever since. The backwards compatability is great. I don't have to have a PS1, PS2 and a PS3 to play all of my games. I have added an external 300Gig hard drive to my PS3 and store movies and music on it. It also allows me to surf the net on my 55" screen and the graphics in 720 and 1080P are amazing not to mention it comes with built in recharchable batteries. I have removed my dvd player from my home stereo system because the PS3 does all of it's functions and plays Blu-Ray. As for the price... seriously... try putting together something that does all of these things for that price... not going to happen. I was just at Best Buy a couple days ago, and they had 2 Blu-Ray players on display for $800 and $1000. The PS3 is a long term investment for me and it's been worth every penny.

The Wii is a totally different animal. It has games the PS3 doesn't and it has way more games I am comfortable letting my kids play. Also, the ability to download older classic games is awesome. Playing the Wii makes me feel more interactive in the games and I get just as much enjoyment playing it as I do my PS3... simply depends on my mood. The one thing I don't like however is the fact I can't seem to find any Nunchucks without having to by one from some scalper on eBay. I'm not going to pay some punk $30 + shipping or more for a $20 controller. I know Nintendo will meet the demand soon enough. (And I have to have the Gamecube hooked up to play the older games I already own. Not a big deal, but I don't have to do that with the PS3)

As for the Xbox. I've simply stayed away because I don't see a need for 3 different systems. I've played the Xbox and the 360 and they are amazing. I have friends that won't get a Wii or a PS3 because they love their 360 so much.

Look, I know I'm new here, but this arguement is pointless. I think everyone needs to move on and and just play what they like and like my dad always said, "if you don't have anything nice to say... keep your damn mouth shut."
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Anyone is who trying to find Wii right now knows that willing the lottery is probably easier.

I'm on spring break this week and has some cash to waste so I figured I would try my luck at a Wii. After going to Best Buy twice, EB game stop twice and Target once, I was pretty much told that unless i want to get one off of ebay, I'm going to have to wait till next month.

The story through the rumor mill is that basically their warehouse is empty and they are going to wait to build back up there supply so they can ship them out again in mass come the beginning of next month.

I'm sure you guys now that the Wii has beat the PS3 ... ironically enough 3 to 1 in japan and similar results have happened in the states even with the fact that the PS3 (60 GB version anyway) is pretty easy to find. Nintendo currently things they can easily sell 6 million units by the end of the fiscal year (march).

I can thing that number is easily achievable if Nintendo has enough units to sell. They are currently trying to beef up production, esp. in the Japanese market due to demand being even higher than it was at launch.

This is my prediction of Nintendo's strategy (and others)... Unlike the PS3, which is packed full of new tech and designed to last for 10 years, i think the Wii is a 5 year console and will likely be replaced sometime before the theoretical 'PS4' comes to market (assuming sony stays in the business). Come 5 or 6 years from now, technology that would be comparable to the PS3 will have come down in price allowing Nintendo to put out a new console that could match the PS3 in power but stay in the 300 or below price point. Sony will probably try apex their console around this time or probably a bit later and then slowly bring it into retirement. Nintendo will have sold far more units but this time and will be in a good position as they will a new console while Sony will likely still be licking their wounds from the loses from the PS3. Microsoft will probably also try to release a new console around this time too. The grape vine has shown some indication that they are already working on the 360 replacement. I imagine MS will probably try to figure out a way to upgrade the 360 without completely coming out with a new console. Its graphics card is upgradeable so this is foreseeable.

Each of the makers have taken a different approach in this console war. Maybe i can make this in car terms.

- Sony has invented a new engine that is hard to figure out but has great potential. Now that Sony and immersion (the rumble people) are getting along, the rumble feature may return to sony's sixaxis controller. PS3 also has issues with getting a little warm; it won't turn red and shut down like the 360 will but you could use the thing as a space heater apparently.

-Microsoft has chosen to supercharge in a sense existing technology to keep up with the PS3 but at the same time reducing the price. Given the upgrade-ability its likely at the 360 will be able to keep up with the PS3 for at least a fair majority of its console life (i would est 7 years). Eventually however, the enigma know as the cell broadband engine will be figured out and its full potential will be realized. The question is, will sony will be able to take that to the bank when that happens? The upgrade-ability of the graphics card will keep the 360 on the market for probably 10 years, with major upgrade sometime around when i predict the new Nintendo console will come out. Microsoft could choose to put out a 'quasi-new' console that would be a processing upgrade to the 360 with a faster graphics card. 360 games could be played on both systems but they would just be not as good on the older version (but still worth it).

-Nintendo has basically made a Mazda Miata of the video game world and given it a cool new steering wheel (wiimote). While it may not be the fastest and most powerful thing out there, it sure does handle great and is amazingly fun to use. Like the miata was roadsters, it could easily be the best selling console of all time. Demand for the unit has stay amazing high even after 4 months since it was launched and it has become the fastest selling console in the past ten years.

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